Sortie de Death Ride Kursk – Das Reich

Disponible a priori depuis peu chez Grognard Simulations Inc., Death Ride Kursk – Das Reich est une extension de DRK – Totenkopf qui conclut cette série de trois wargames simulant avec précision les combats du 2e SS Panzer Korps sur le front de l’est. Elle est aussi accompagnée d’un nouveau livret de règles et de pions supplémentaires, IISS Enhancement, concernant les aspects aériens et logistiques de ces batailles.

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Death Ride Kursk – Das Reich and the IISS Enhancement package are released on 17 January 2015. The price for the released Das Reich game is $150 and $50 for the Enhancement package. This game is an expansion to Totenkopf and requires Totenkopf to be played. Prominent game rules feature units at the Platoon (German) and Company (Red Army) levels, Primary and Secondary weapons effects, highly detailed terrain (330 meters per hex), Suppression of units, and an “Open” game turn execution for each side allowing for actions to be performed in any order the player needs to support his plan. The Air, Logistics, and Maintenance Enhancement Counters and supporting charts are now released also and are sold separately. This game and the enhancement complete the battle space for the IInd SS Panzer Korps. This now makes 11 of the planned 24 maps for the entire southern front at Kursk.

This game includes:
(12) 11×17 Full Color Map Sections
(22) 11×17 Scenario Cards
(10) Unit Counter and Marker Sheets
(3) 11×17 Task Organization Charts
(3) 8.5×11 Order of Battle charts
A Bound Supplemental Rulebook

The enhancement, sold separately, includes:
(3) Unit Counter and Marker Sheets
Supporting Air, Maintenance, and Logistics Tables and Charts