En bref. Paradox confirme aujourd’hui la sortie de la troisième extension majeure de son city builder ayant détrôné SimCity, mais dont il s’inspire quand même ici nettement car les désastres étaient déjà un des aspects amusants du remake sorti en 2013. Toutefois dans cette extension il est donc proposé neuf types de désastres différents, alors que SimCity lui n’en proposait que six, et il n’y aura que des évènements naturels, restons sérieux, pas de lézard géant, de zombies ou d’attaque d’ovnis au menu dans Cities Skylines.
Quoiqu’il en soit, voici pour l’occasion une nouvelle bande-annonce montrant les nouveaux cataclysmes dévastateurs et spectaculaires susceptibles de frapper vos métropoles de pixels
Pour plus d’informations sur Natural Disasters, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ou cette page chez l’éditeur.
Natural Disasters Strike Cities: Skylines
Free Scenario Editor Arrives Alongside Fire, Flood, and Falling StarsSTOCKHOLM – Nov. 29, 2016 — Paradox Interactive, a publisher of games* (this asterisk indicates disaster risk), today released a new expansion for Cities: Skylines from developer Colossal Order. The expansion, titled “Natural Disasters,” is now available for Cities: Skylines players for from digital retailers worldwide for Windows, Mac, and Linux PCs for $14,99 / £10,99 / EUR €14,99.
The new expansion adds a calamitous collection of new features to Cities: Skylines, including new systems for disaster alerts and response — and of course the disasters themselves, which can occur randomly, or be triggered deliberately by monstrous mayors who have never liked their citizens. The game has also been updated today with a free Scenario Editor, allowing all players to design custom game objectives and share their scenarios via Steam Workshop. Also added for free is a new in-game radio station with a set of pleasant city-building tunes; owners of the Natural Disasters expansion will also get emergency broadcasts and early warnings via the radio. Natural Disasters is available here: www.paradoxplaza.com/cities-skylines-natural-disasters.
See what happens when Paradox’s trailer team watches Armageddon, The Day After Tomorrow, and 2012 all in one weekend:
Natural Disasters includes the following features:
Deep, Impactful Gameplay: Meteor strikes, forest fires, tsunamis, earthquakes, and more will destroy districts and devastate estates
With Great Power Comes Great Response Abilities: Plan for, and respond to, disasters using early warning systems, countermeasures, and new disaster responses such as helicopters and evacuations
This is Not a Test (but it is just a game): New radio systems put the station in devastation with disaster warnings and free in-game music
An Objectively Good Feature: A series of pre-made scenarios challenge players with various objectives and conditions, showing off the new free Scenario Editor
Chirpocalypse Now: Sweet new hats for Chirper, manIn addition to Natural Disasters, Paradox has also released an additional piece of musical DLC for the game’s new in-game radio feature. “Relaxation Station,” available for $3.99, £2.79, €3,99, adds 20 new songs from composer Tobias Gustavsson, allowing players to relax while they re-district to the smooth sounds of jazz, lounge, groove, and Caribbean tunes. Or, if you prefer to expand rather than destroy, a new Content Creator Pack is available today from star modder Mauro “GCVos” Vos, including a set of fifteen new high-tech creations, for $4.99, £3.99, €4,99. Add them to your city before a meteor crushes them!
Relaxation Station is available here:
Content Creator Pack: High-Tech Buildings is available here: www.paradoxplaza.com/cities-skylines-content-creator-pack-high-tech-buildingsFor more information on Cities: Skylines, visit https://www.paradoxplaza.com/cities-skylines.