Matrix annonce que cinq titres de la série Close Combat viennent de bénéficier de différentes améliorations permettant d’une part de garantir la compatibilité avec Windows 7 et 10, et d’autre part d’avoir une version sans DRM via la plateforme Good Old Games. Voyez la liste des titres concernés dans le communiqué ci-après, en sachant que les autres titres de la série devraient suivre par la suite.
Cela dit, c’est aussi l’occasion pour l’éditeur de rappeler que Close Combat totalise, depuis ses débuts il y a un peu plus de vingt ans, plus de cinq millions d’exemplaires vendus. Une belle réussite pour un jeu qui aura réussi à marier wargame et temps réel sans pour autant pénaliser la profondeur tactique et historique des batailles.
Concernant l’avenir de la série, son redémarrage avec The Bloody First a pris un sérieux retard, particulièrement du fait d’un changement de moteur graphique, mais est a priori toujours prévu si tout va bien cette année. On a hâte de voir le résultat qu’offrira le passage à la 3D, et pour vous en donner un avant-goût, voici deux captures d’écrans qui datent de l’été dernier.
En attendant, à lire éventuellement si vous ne connaissez pas cette série notre article Close Combat – Gateway to Caen : le chant du cygne ?

The original Close Combat series lands on
A celebration not to be missedIn 1996, more than an era ago in the videogames timeline, Microsoft released a game by developer Atomic Games: the name was Close Combat. The innovative gameplay mechanics tried to mimic the morale of real-life WWII soldiers in a way that was never seen before: for the first time players were confronted with tactical situations that were extremely close to reality.
Fast forward to 2018, over 5 million copies sold and seventeen releases later, the classic is back with the release of three of the original games and two of the more recent ones on Close Combat II: A Bridge Too Far, Close Combat III: The Russian Front & Close Combat IV: Battle of the Bulge will release alongside the latest two franchise releases: Panthers in the Fog and Gateway to Caen.
This is only the first step: soon enough the entire series of Close Combat games will be released on
This event also marks an important milestone as 2018 will see the release of the new Close Combat. Built in a new engine and brought to modern standards, but staying true to its core gameplay mechanics that brought the series continued success, Close Combat The Bloody First is only a few steps away from completion.
« The release of these classics on marks an unprecedented celebratory opportunity for us at Matrix Games », said Iain McNeil, Development Director of the Slitherine group of companies. « We are looking forward to bringing something new to the Close Combat franchise while staying true to the roots of this incredibly successful series ».
All games are available on and fully compatible with Windows 7 and Windows 10, so you can enjoy all their battles on your brand new computer.
Close Combat II: A Bridge to Far – $ 5.99 and 10% off for a limited time
Close Combat III: The Russian Front – $ 5.99 and 10% off for a limited time
Close Combat IV: Battle of the Bulge – $ 5.99 and 10% off for a limited time
Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog – Only $ 13.99 for a limited time
Close Combat: Gateway to Caen – Only $ 13.99 for a limited timeClose Combat II, III and IV can only be found on and they are all DRM free.
About the Slitherine Group
The Slitherine Group is the world’s leading producer and publisher of digital wargames and strategy games. Under the Slitherine (, Matrix Games ( and Ageod ( brands it has published literally hundreds of games, with many award-winning titles in its portfolio and spanning all digital platforms, from home consoles to modern Smartphone’s and Tablets. Slitherine is also involved with book publishing, board gaming and works with a wide array of key licensing partners, such as HISTORY®, MILITARY HISTORY®, Games Workshop®, Horrible Histories™, Showtime, BBC, Osprey, Scholastic, Buzz Aldrin Enterprises and many others to deliver the best blend of historical accuracy in an exciting and entertaining way. Together the Group companies form the world’s largest organization specializing in this important and vibrant niche. The Slitherine Group’s mission over the coming years is to lead the way in innovation and growth in an ever expanding segment of the entertainment industry.