Distorsion temporelle en bonus dans Field of Glory 2 – Medieval

Slitherine annonce un original ajout à la récente version médiévale de Field of Glory 2, à savoir un petit add-on gratuit permettant de créer des batailles entre armées de l’Antiquité et du Moyen-âge. Donc un très grand nombre de situations complètement hypothétiques, pour s’amuser voire expériementer. La capture d’écran en en-tête représentant par exemple des Assyriens face à une armée Allemande impériale.

Parallèlement divers petits bugs ont été corrigés, voyez le changelog ci-après.

Pour plus d’informations sur Field of Glory II Medieval, voyez cette page sur Steam ou celle-ci chez l’éditeur.



Field of Glory II Medieval – Time Warp free Add-On

A new add-on for Field of Glory II: Medieval has arrived and it will allow everyone to create their own “Time Warp” battles. This new feature allows custom battles to be fought between armies from the Ancient period and Medieval armies (or vice versa). It will be possible to create an infinite number of customized “what-if” battle situations, which can be played against the AI or in multiplayer. If you ever wanted to know how the Normans would have fared against Augustus’s legions, or the Assyrians against the Teutonic Knights, now is your chance. You can play these battles and more using the new “Time Warp” feature. To set up an anachronistic matchup, you will need to click on the “Select another module” button (in the Custom Battle setup screen) and turn off the Date and Geographical filters in the Enemy Army List selection panel.

The “Time Warp” add on is totally free and will allow all Field of Glory II: Medieval players to setup and fight single player and multiplayer games using any Medieval army and any FOG II “Ancient” army, from any DLC published for FOG II “Ancient”.

Please note that currently, it will not be possible to create a fight between two Ancient armies, nor to use the FOG II “Ancient” client to play against “Medieval” armies.


Field of Glory 2: Medieval – Time Warp

A new patch (v. 1.0.2) for Field of Glory II: Medieval has arrived and will allow all owners of the game to create their own “Time Warp”.

This new feature allows custom battles to be fought between Ancient armies and Medieval armies (or vice versa), and it will be possible to create an infinite number of customized “what-if” battle situations that can be played against an AI or in multiplayer.

So if you ever wanted to find out how Normans would have fared against Augustus’s legions, or Assyrians against Teutonic Knights, now is your chance.

Note that it will not be possible to create a fight between two Ancient armies.

To set up an anachronistic matchup you will need to click on the “Select another module” button (in the Custom Battle setup screen) and turn off the Date and Geographical filters in the Enemy Army List selection panel.

Bug Fixes:

Fixed bug that allowed Player B in MP custom battles to move troops on first turn if he hit Cancel when the game asked if you wanted to end the turn and upload to the server.
Fix bug that messed up the MP Kalka River epic battle scenario.
Fixed bug that could cause duplicate general names in campaign battle if general’s unit dismounted before additional general added.
Fixed bug that prevented geographical filter from working correctly in Sandbox Campaigns if player side was set as Pot Luck and enemy side was specified.
Corrected some minor discrepancies in French and German translations.
Added correct tooltips to Minimap options in Settings screen.


Derniers tests