Graviteam Tactics – Fateful Strike : screenshots

En bref. Voici quelques captures d’écrans illustrant le champ de bataille que propose de découvrir cette onzième extension de Graviteam Tactics: Mius-Front, DLC intitulé Fateful Strike sur le thème d’une tentative d’encerclement par l’Armée rouge dans la région de Kharkov. Offensive qui nécessita plus de temps que prévu du fait de nombreuses contre-attaques de la Wehrmacht, soutenue par la Lutwaffe. Ce que le jeu retranscrit au travers de deux opérations de 14 tours, une pour chaque camp, et une carte reproduisant avec soin la vaste zone des combats.

Pour plus d’informations sur Graviteam Tactics : Fateful Strike, voyez cette fiche sur Steam.

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New expansion Graviteam Tactics: Fateful Strike

The last attempt of the Red Army to encircle the Kharkov group of the Wehrmacht. 6A together with 28A delivered strikes from the south and north, with the task of seizing the Kharkov area. Screening was provided by 57A and 9A SF, as well as by Bobkin Army Group moving to Krasnograd. The offensive began on May 12, but developed more slowly than planned. The Wehrmacht command organized a number of counterattacks by infantry divisions. All available German ATG, including 8.8 cm anti-aircraft guns, were pulled into the area of ??attack. Soviet forces were continuously attacked by the enemy aircraft. By the end of May 16, the Red Army units were on the lines, which were plannned to be captured as far back as May 14. On the morning of May 17, the 6A command brought the main strike force into the breakthrough, 21 and 23 tank corps…

– Two operations of 14 turns for each of the parties (Borki, May 17-18, 1942)
– Precisely recreated area of over 140 sq. km: hilly plains with harsh terrain, small settlements.
– Historical organizational structure of units at the time of the offensive.
– StuG III assault guns of C/D and E modifications.


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