Industries of Titan : bande-annonce

Il n’y a pas que sur Mars que l’on va pouvoir bientôt bâtir vidéoludiquement. La preuve, voici un sympathique teaser pour ce futur jeu aux graphismes très soignés et au concept hybride peu courant, mêlant city-builder et stratégie en temps réel. Jeu de construction prenant pour décor la plus connue des lunes de Saturne, sur laquelle il s’agira de développer de vastes métropoles industrielles futuristes, qui vraisemblablement feront office de champs de batailles où s’affronteront des vaisseaux spatiaux.

Pour quelle raison, a priori des rivalités commerciales aiguës avec les corporations voisines, ce que l’ambiance visuelle et musicale plutôt orientée Cyberpunk évoque bien.

Pour quelques informations supplémentaires sur Industries of Titan, dont la date de sortie n’est pas encore connue, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ou le site officiel.


From the creators of Crypt of the NecroDancer comes “Industries of Titan”, a new industrial city building sim/strategy game

From the creators of Crypt of the NecroDancer comes “Industries of Titan”, a new industrial city building sim/strategy game set on Saturn’s moon Titan. Create a sprawling industrial city, design powerful factories, and compete with other Great Houses to stake your claim to the Industries of Titan!

View the teaser trailer here!:

Key features:

– Design your city and grow it from just a few small buildings into a massive metropolis!

– Set up production lines inside your factories to turn raw resources into ever more powerful devices and buildings

– Balance the needs of your workers, your factories, and your buildings to produce a powerful, efficient economy

– Design the interiors of your battleships by strategically placing weapons, shields, thrusters, and more, to reduce weak points and maximize fighting capability

– Overcome your enemies via tactical battleship combat, technological superiority, political influence, or the sheer productive power of your factories

– Gameplay is “real-time with pause” — play at your preferred pace!

– Created by the team that brought you Crypt of the NecroDancer, with art by Sir Carma and Nick Gunn, music by Danny Baranowsky, and sound by Power Up Audio.

Visit our website for screenshots, GIFs, and more, at: