En bref. LnL diffuse rapidement deux captures d’écrans montrant les récents progrès sur ce titre dont le développement a été repris entièrement, au printemps dernier a priori, par une nouvelle équipe. Voilà donc aujourd’hui deux simples screenshots montrant un scénario du D-Day concernant Arromanches, ce qui est plutôt bon signe pour la suite.
Il n’y a plus désormais qu’à patienter encore un peu que LnL présente plus en détail les prochaines étapes de la refonte de l’adaptation PC de ce wargame (un système de jeu en fait, à l’échelle du peloton) paru il y a une douzaine d’années déjà.
Pour plus d’informations sur Nations at War – Digital, toujours en phase Early Access pour l’instant, reportez-vous à cette fiche sur Steam ou à cette page chez l’éditeur. Concernant la version originale du jeu, sur tables donc, voyez cette page.
As many of you know, Nations At War Digital was delayed due to the old program team quitting without any warning. Our LnLT Digital has picked up the project and has been rewriting the game from the top down. Here are two pictures to show you some of the progress.
Ancienne annonce (Mars 2022)
As many of you know the original development team quit the project. We have talked to a few development teams but none of them seem to fit perfectly for us. After long consideration and planning, we have worked out a deal with the programming team that is working on Lock ‘n Load Tactical Digital. This will allow us to take the features from the LnLT Digital game and fit it into the NaW Digital edition as well as provide the framework to release a modern version NaW based on the World At War 85 series. It will take a few months to get the first updated working but it will allow us to really expand and support this game series going forward. Tom and I have worked together since our early days at Matrix Games working on Steel Panthers World At War.
Those that have LnLT Digital and have seen the speed of the development and updates releases should be very thrilled at this development.
It will take a few months to get a new working edition up and running and we post screenshots as we move forward.