Panzer Corps 2 : nouvelles images

Slitherine diffuse cette semaine deux nouvelles captures d’écrans montrant un peu plus ce à quoi ressemblera cette prometteuse suite, en chantier depuis plus de trois ans déjà. Selon les développeurs le projet avance bien et par exemple le passage à la 3D apporte une clarté utile aux cartes, en plus d’offrir des graphismes très soignés. Ce qui devrait donner un très joli rendu, y compris sur des écrans en très haute résolution (4K). Au passage je vous rajoute quelques images parues ces dernier mois.

Pour en savoir plus sur Panzer Corps 2, dont la sortie devrait avoir lieu en 2019, si tout va bien, voyez cette fiche chez l’éditeur, le forum officiel ou le site du studio Flashback Games.




Panzer Corps 2: Dev Diary #7 Christmas special!

Hello All!

The holiday season is upon us, the year 2018 is almost at the end, and it is a good time to pause, look back and summarize what was achieved, what were our successes and failures.

Panzer Corps 2 did not release this year. This is… not ideal. We will not try to pretend that it’s a good thing, “because now the game will be even better and more polished”. Back when we announced it, nobody planned to deliver a bad game in 2018 either.

The good news is, the game is really turning out the way we hoped. It has come a long way since the beginning of development more than 3 years ago. We were taking many risks with this project, and it is great to see that for the most part, they are paying off. 3D graphics works and provides a level of clarity which we need. Random maps are fun to play. Historical content plays just as well. The game is 100% future proof and looks gorgeous on any displays up to 4K. We are confident that 2019 will be a “Panzer Corps 2 year” and that Panzer Corps will get a worthy successor which will deliver many hours of fun to all the fans of this genre.

We would like to thank everyone reading these diaries for your interest in the game and for valuable comments and feedback. We cannot reply to every single comment, but we read them all. And although the end of the year has been a very busy period for us, we were able to react on some of the feedback as well. For example, just yesterday Scenario Editor has got a new feature to import any Panzer Corps scenario, which can then be edited and resaved in Panzer Corps 2 format. This has been requested in the comments to one of the diaries, and now it is implemented. Please keep your feedback coming, and together we can make this game even better.

To show how Panzer Corps 2 looks now, we have prepared two new screenshots. Hope that you will enjoy them, and looking forward to telling and showing you more in the coming year. See you in 2019! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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  1. le jeu ne montre toujours pas l’infanterie ou meme les anti-tanks/artillerie. On ne voit que des tanks.

    le jeu doit être loin d’être fini.

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