Paradox annule East vs West

Depuis janvier dernier on se doutait que l’avenir de East vs West était compromis, suite à une première annonce dans le forum de Paradox où l’éditeur évoquait la possibilité d’une open beta en mars et d’une contribution financière par les fans au développement du jeu, en plus du report de la date de sortie ou encore d’une diminution de certaines fonctionnalités :

Regarding the future of East vs West – The Beta and Release Date

Hey everyone,

We’ve got some news for you regarding East vs. West that is going to change the future of the game and introduce the ability for fans to get intimately involved in the development. Since the project was born from modders we thought it was only right that we tell the community here first about the plans for it.
Development schedule permitting, East vs. West will be in beta come March and you will be able to contribute with what you want to get access to it.
This means that if you feel bad about playing the beta and not spending a cent, we will offer the alternative of paying what you want for it, and all money raised this way will go directly to the developers. Development of East vs. West is still being handled by BL Logic, so there are no changes there.
The scope of EvW is being reduced a little bit, you may have heard that some specific features are on hold while BL Logic focuses on the more integral parts of the game, and we agree with the devs that this is in the best interest of the game. As the game continues to improve, we may still decide to release it as a commercial product. Until then, though, a release date for EvW is not currently on our schedule. However, you’ll all still be able to play the game in its beta form and support the devs with either your feedback here in the forums, monetarily, or both.

East vs. West is still shaping up to be a great Cold War game and we are looking forward to showing it to you in the coming months!

Best Regards
All of us here at Paradox Interactive

Mais voilà que la décision d’annuler complètement le développement de East vs West a ouvertement été confirmé cette semaine par Fredrik Wester et l’équipe BL Logic en charge du projet :

A joint statement from BL Logic and Paradox Interactive!

Today it’s our sad duty to inform you that it has been decided to cancel the game “East vs West”. We at Paradox Interactive have the utmost respect for BL Logic and this is not a decision that has been taken lightly—quite the contrary—but ultimately we are a publisher and our actions and decisions must reflect that.

As the project has been severly delayed we dont think that open beta / early acccess could, within our desired timeline, meet the set criteria.

It has been a journey of ups and downs since we started the development of East Vs West back in May 2011. We wish each other nothing but the best with future endeavors.

We also would like to thank the developers for their hard work and their tremendous effort, as well as the fans for their long term commitment and their never ending support.

Yours sincerely
Fredrik Wester, Lennart Berg, Gellert Keresztes


  1. J dois porter la poisse :) deuxieme fois que je suis avec attention un projet collaboratif impliquant Paradox et un autre acteur plus petit, deuxieme fois que ca finit en eau de boudin

  2. Quelle tristesse… Pour une fois qu’on allait avoir un jeu de stratégie contemporain…. Reste Supreme Ruler.

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