Phoenix Point : images et campagne sur Fig

A l’occasion du lancement de la campagne de financement de cette future suite spirituelle d’X-com premier du nom, Snapshot Games diffuse bien évidemment une vidéo de présentation et de nouvelles captures d’écrans pour présenter le projet.

On découvrira donc aujourd’hui un peu plus le contenu et le gameplay prometteur du jeu. Jeu qui consistera donc en un jeu de combats tactiques teinté de la logique d’un 4X. C’est à dire que la partie stratégique de Phoenix Point, qui se déroulera sur une traditionnelle interface type Géoscape, proposera plus d’options en terme d’expansion territoriale.

En effet, le postulat du jeu veut que dès le départ on ne dirigera qu’une faction de survivants, l’humanité venant juste d’être décimée par un virus extraterrestre, dit Pandoravirus, qui dormait pendant des millénaires dans le permafrost. Ainsi, en plus des mutants pullulants désormais dans les mers et sur une vaste partie des zones côtières, d’autres factions humaines réfugiées aux confins des terres se battront pour leur survie mais aussi pour établir leur suprématie sur le reste de l’humanité. 

Pour quelques autres images ainsi qu’un récapitulatif sur le jeu, voyez ce précédent article. Concernant Phoenix Point, dont la sortie est prévue fin 2018, si tout va bien, vous trouverez donc la page de la campagne du jeu par ici sur Fig. Fig est une récente plateforme de financement participatif créée et soutenue par des personnalités de l’industrie du jeu vidéo (dont entre autre Feargus Urquhart de Black isle / Obsidian et Brian Fargo de Interplay / InXile).




Phoenix Point , in Development for Over a Year, Launches Crowd-Publishing Campaign on Fig for $500K to Complete Development; Launch Set for Q4 2018

Los Angeles, USA – April 25, 2017 – Today, Snapshot Games Inc, makers of the kickstarted critical hit  Chaos Reborn (85% Metacritic), announce  Phoenix Point, a turn-based tactics and world-based strategy game, and a spiritual successor to the X-COM franchise, will launch Q4 2018. Currently in development for Windows PC, Mac and Linux, the crowd-publishing campaign in support of  Phoenix Point  kicks off today on Fig ( ), offering both investment and rewards opportunities, with an overall goal of $500K USD, $300K being open for reservations of Fig securities that would generate a return based on the game’s sales.

Phoenix Point , which has been in development for over a year, is a turn-based tactics and world-based strategy Sci-Fi game from the minds of Julian Gollop, veteran designer of the original X-COM games, and David Kaye, the founder of Gaming Insiders.  Phoenix Point  draws inspiration from a deep pool of talented developers from companies such as Ubisoft Sofia and Crytek Black Sea, and games such as XCOM 2 and X-COM Apocalypse.  

“We are creating  Phoenix Point  by taking influences from the famed X-COM franchise. We are updating our favorite gameplay features from X-COM titles such as UFO: Enemy Unknown and X-COM Apocalypse that I designed, and mixing them with some of the amazing ideas Firaxis Games executed brilliantly in their franchise reboots, to create an entirely new game whose essence lies in the XCOM genre,” said Julian Gollop, CEO, Snapshot Games Inc.

The title is expected to release in Q4 2018.


The spread of alien Pandoravirus was an unimaginable extinction event, nearly wiping out all human life. The fortunate majority were quickly killed off by the virus, but some were mutated by the aggressive virus, which attacks human DNA sequences and imbeds its own transformative DNA, thereby mutating humans into horrifically disfigured alien species with the ability to clone. Those who somehow survived gather in isolated havens spread throughout the world, with several of the largest and most powerful factions of radically contrasting ideologies controlling most of the world’s resources.

You play as part of the Phoenix Project, a worldwide organization set in place before the Pandoravirus, and designed to activate in times of world peril. You and your team must find out what has happened to the other Phoenix Project sleeper cells as you race to bring humanity back from the brink of extinction. Along the way, you will encounter constant threats from an ever-increasing variety of alien mutants (procedural generation system) armed with varying tactical abilities and intense boss battles with massive monsters and alien land walkers. Aliens are not your only concern as you will come face to face with unpredictable interactions with human factions with their ideologies and rife with internal conflicts including kidnappings, assassinations, sabotage, military coups, and base defense missions.  


Phoenix Point  has been in development for a year. The team has developed extensive art and storylines and created a playable tactical battle system with great AI. Recently, the team has begun working on the geoscape and large scale monsters. To realize our vision of a high quality, deep strategy game by the end of 2018 Snapshot will use all the Fig funds to finalize content and enhance the quality of the game.

For more information on  Phoenix Project, visit:

Snapshot Games

Snapshot Games Inc. was established in 2013 by Julian Gollop, veteran designer of the original X-COM games, and David Kaye, the founder of Gaming Insiders. In 2014, Snapshot Games raised $210k on Kickstarter for its first project, Chaos Reborn, which launched in October 2015 to an 85/100 on Metacritic, and set up a studio in Sofia, Bulgaria, where Julian has been living for 11 years. Snapshot Games Sofia is a team of nine talented developers with many years’ experience, including veterans from Ubisoft Sofia, Crytek Black Sea, and other Bulgarian studios.

2 Commentaires

  1. Bah du coup grâce à la news j’ai trouvé le jeu dont je parlais sur le précédent article, c’est en fait son dernier jeu “chaos reborn” …. c’est juste que le temps passe vite ^^
    Vivement 2018 donc, puisque c’est déjà demain.

  2. Campagne déjà financée en moins d’une semaine.
    Le père d’XCOM est à la manoeuvre (Gollop)

    Un version alpha est semble-t-il prévue pour octobre 2017 et sera jouable pour les backers.


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