Rendez-vous début avril pour StarDrive 2

Voici une récente bande-annonce présentant le prochain StarDrive 2, dont la sortie est désormais prévue sur PC, Mac et Linux, y compris sur Steam, le 9 avril prochain. A noter que ce 4X en plus de classiquement permettre de se tailler un empire galactique, offre d’une part des batailles spatiales en temps réel et d’autre part un module tactique pour gérer des combats terrestres, mais cette fois en tour par tour.

Pour plus d’informations sur le jeu voyez le site officiel ainsi que les communiqués ci-après. Au passage sachez que StarDrive premier du nom est cette semaine en promotion à -75% sur Steam.





Haarlem, The Netherlands – March 12, 2015 – Zero Sum Games and Iceberg Interactive released today an all new trailer for the upcoming 4X turn-based space strategy game, StarDrive 2. The trailer is packed with some of the key gameplay components, from designing one’s own ship (and fleet) to discovering new galaxies, friends and/or foes, to entering into real-time space combat or fighting in turn-based ground combat, StarDrive 2 is rich with everything 4X fans love – including friendly space bears and studious gun-toting owls. Of equal importance is that Iceberg is currently offering Steam code to media interested in previewing the game before its launch on Steam April 9, 2015.

StarDrive 2 is a turn-based 4X strategy game where the goal is to build an empire to span the stars. In StarDrive 2 players will explore a vibrant galaxy filled with danger and intrigue in a deep turn-based strategy layer. Fans will design custom spaceships and deploy them into real-time battles with spectacular graphics and effects. They’ll hire heroes to lead your forces as they conquer worlds in turn-based tactical ground-combat mode. StarDrive 2 is the 4X game that fans have been waiting years for.

Haarlem, The Netherlands – February 25, 2015 – Portland, Oregon-based developer Zero Sum Games announced today that the eagerly anticipated sequel to its massive debut title StarDrive is now feature complete and has reached the final stages of its development . The turn-based 4X space-strategy title StarDrive 2 (PC, Mac and Linux) has gone through extensive Quality Assurance, and the remaining time will be dedicated to bug-fixing, polish, and incorporating various Steam features. Publisher Iceberg Interactive has the game slotted for an April 9, 2015 release on Steam and various other digital platforms, with a boxed retail version to follow soon after. StarDrive 2 will be available at $29.99.

Iceberg Interactive and StarDrive 2 developer Daniel DiCicco (aka Zero) will be hosting hands-on demos at The Marriott Marquis Hotel this upcoming week at GDC with exclusive preview code, video capture, assets and interview time. Interested to see all that StarDrive 2 has to offer and/or to pick the developer’s brain? Appointments are available from 9 am -5 pm, Tuesday, March 3 to Friday, March 6. Schedule in a meeting with publisher Iceberg Interactive by sending an email to Danitra Alomia ( ).

“We are really looking forward to bringing a modern twist to the 4X games of old, to strategy gamers in the very near future,” said Iceberg Interactive CEO Erik Schreuder. “The Unity engine really makes this game shine and it offers everything a 4X gamer is looking for.”

StarDrive 2 is a turn-based 4X strategy game where the goal is to build an empire to span the stars. In StarDrive 2 you will explore a vibrant galaxy filled with danger and intrigue in a deep turn-based strategy layer. You will design custom spaceships and deploy them into real-time battles with spectacular graphics and effects. You’ll hire heroes to lead your forces as you conquer worlds, in turn-based tactical ground combat mode. StarDrive 2 is the 4X game that fans have been waiting years for.

Game Features:

Explore the galaxy, Expand your empire, Exploit the resources you find, and Exterminate your foes in a turn-based strategy layer, a real-time ship combat layer, and a turn-based tactical ground combat layer.
Design custom spaceships with hundreds of different ship modules to choose from. Create lumbering assault ships laden with weapons and armour, nimble point defence frigates, long-range cruisers and massive battleships filled with fighter bays.
Find and hire the many heroes in the game, and use them to explore the vast stories and intrigues hidden throughout the galaxy.
Encounter aliens, pirates, monsters, and ancient threats, most of whom will want to kill you, to benefit their own empires.
Play the special “Battle Arena” mode where you can get right to the action by designing ships and playing through story-based campaigns with your fleet. Earn money as you work through the challenges to unlock new ships and weapons.
Customize your race for a unique experience, engage in deep diplomatic negotiations, research hundreds of different technologies (or maybe steal them with your spies), control strategic resources for the benefit of your empire, enslave enemy citizens, build armies of giant mechs, and so much more.

For more news and information about StarDrive 2, please visit the official website at or check the Facebook page .

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Zero Sum Games is based in Portland, Oregon, in the beautiful Pacific Northwest region of the United States. We are an independent studio with a small and dedicated team possessing a broad and diverse set of skills. Our mission is to deliver hardcore PC games to gamers looking for depth and challenge without sacrificing aesthetics.

Iceberg Interactive is an independent video game publisher founded in 2009 by an international group of games industry veterans and is located in Haarlem, The Netherlands. Iceberg has fully embraced the digital revolution of the past few years and maintains strong worldwide relations with most digital portals, while also keeping its roots in the European retail markets. Staffed with avid gamers, Iceberg works closely with an international assembly of game developers, both midsize and indie. Garnering attention with acclaimed releases over recent years in the genres of strategy, action, simulation and adventure, the company has an exceptional current line-up, including Endless Legend, Starpoint Gemini 2, StarDrive 2, Inside My Radio, Ceres, Vector Thrust and Starship Corporation – with further promising games in the pipeline.

  1. De nombreuses références viennent à l’esprit devant cette présentation vidéo mais une question se pose toujours, en regardant ces combats spatiaux hollywoodiens. Pourquoi, alors qu’on est supposé être en présence d’engins de combat futuristes, assiste-t-on toujours à des manœuvres d’approche et de contournement dignes d’une charge de cavalerie de l’Antiquité ? Les bestiaux de l’Espaaace et leurs armes visionnaires sont obligés de tirer sur l’ennemi à la volée, comme s’ils pilotaient des brigandines équipées de canons à poudre noire ? Autrement, l’idée d’avoir des combats terrestres (ou des abordages, je présume ici, ce qui renforce encore, si besoin était, l’impression de bataille navale) à la manière d’un bon vieux X-Com, voilà qui est intéressant (à défaut d’originalité véritable… ;) ).

  2. Ce qui me fait rire, c’est le bestiaire zoologique des races représentées. Ce n’est plus la planète des singes, ce sont les planètes animales qui s’affrontent.

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