Royal Court, premier DLC pour Crusader Kings III

Paradox a confirmé avant-hier la sortie d’une première extension majeure pour le troisième volet de la série Crusader Kings. Add-on qui ajoute une jolie et originale fonctionnalité, à savoir la modélisation détaillée en 3D de la cour royale et de la salle du thrône depuis laquelle votre dynastie entretien son lien avec son peuple et son royaume.

Voilà probablement qui ne manquera pas d’ajouter du relief et une certaine profondeur au jeu (un de ceux les plus populaires sur Steam en 2021). Particulièrement pour ceux souhaitant tisser une histoire dans l’Histoire et la voir mieux prendre forme.

Ce DLC propose aussi un système de culture entièrement repensé, avec par exemple la possibilité de faire évoluer les choses soit dans le sens d’une hybridation culturelle, soit dans le sens d’une divergence culturelle.

Parallèlement le jeu a bénéficié d’une importante mise à jour gratuite 1.5, nommée “Fleur de Lis”, qui comme souvent apporte divers équilibrages aux mécanismes du jeu, améliore l’IA et l’interface, en plus d’un tas d’autres détails. Voyez dans le forum officiel ce changelog dans ce dev diary pour plus de précisions.

Pour plus d’informations sur Crusader Kings III: Royal Court, voyez cette fiche sur Steam. Concernant Crusader Kings III, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ainsi que notre test.



Assume the Seat of Power in Crusader Kings III: Royal Court

First Major Expansion for Medieval Grand Strategy Game Available Now

STOCKHOLM – 08 February 2022 – Your court is the heart of your kingdom, and now, in Crusader Kings III: Royal Court, you will be able to engage in vital affairs of state in a new game area to awe visitors with your splendor and display marvelous items and artifacts. The first major expansion for Paradox’s award-winning grand strategy role-playing game is now available.

Decorate your court with works of art created by master craftspeople or with rare artifacts captured or inherited across the generations. Hear the pleas of your subjects as they ask for royal favors or mercy, while maintaining a court grand enough to reflect a reputation appropriate for someone of your stature.

On a less personal note, reshape your society with dynamic and dramatic cultural options. Change your realm’s habits and practices to better suit a large multicultural empire or strike your own path, forging an original culture as old ways prove unsuitable for new circumstances.

See a trailer here:

Features of Crusader Kings III: Royal Court include:

Royal Throne Room: A visual representation of your royal court will reflect all the accumulated majesty and prestige of your dynasty. Only kings and emperors have royal courts, so climb the ladder of power to bask in your own majesty.

Hold Court: Interact with vassals and courtiers as they come to you with their problems, seeking a royal judgment.

Grandeur: Increase the quality of life at your court with fancier trappings and better food, all the better to impress your rivals and attract higher quality guests.

Inspired People: Talented artists, craftspeople and thinkers can be commissioned to work on new projects, adding treasures and artifacts to your court. The higher the grandeur of your court, the better the quality of creator you will attract.

Court Artifacts: Put your arts and crafts on display, and pass these items of great renown down the family line. All artifacts can be stolen in war, building a legacy of ownership and personal claims down the centuries.

Hybrid Cultures: Make the most of a multicultural realm, developing a new way of life that is specifically adapted to your varied population and geography.

Cultural Divergence: Split from your traditional culture, adapting it into something new that better fits your situation or aspirations.

As always, this expansion is released with a major update free for all Crusader Kings III players. This update adds more detail and context for the game’s culture system, as well as the addition of minor court positions, a character inventory system for weapons and armor, new events and a way for you to design your own custom coat of arms.

Crusader Kings III: Royal Court is now available for the suggested retail price of $29.99/£26.88/€29.99.