Songs of Conquest ? Heroes of Pixel and Magic !

En bref. Les amateurs d’ambiance médiévale-fantastique, de stratégie en tour par tour saupoudrée de RPG, de graphismes rétro mais néanmoins en 3D et ceux pour qui la fameuse série Heroes of Might & Magic fait écho seront probablement curieux de découvrir ce futur titre.

Jeu arrivé la semaine dernière en phase Accès anticipé, donc encore en chantier, et qui pourrait s’avérer une intéressante suite spirituelle quand le développement sera achevé. Le projet ayant débuté en 2017, et les développeurs suédois de Lavapotion y ayant mis beaucoup d’énergie créative, il ne faudra vraisemblablement plus trop attendre pour découvrir entièrement l’alchimie vidéoludique trouvé par le studio.

Pour plus d’informations sur Songs of Conquest, dont la phase Early Access pourrait toutefois durer un an, voyez cette page sur Steam ou le site officiel.



Songs of Conquest is out now!

Our game is now available for purchase and we hope you’ll want to join us for this big adventure! To celebrate the launch we are dropping a new trailer, take a look and let us know what you think!

When, or before, you get the game, you might want to check out this list of known issues.

We are currently working hard to fix them all. So, please bear this information in mind when purchasing the game. We hope this is just the beginning of something big and we are thrilled to finally share the game with you all!

From the bottom of our hearts: Thank you all for your support so far. It truly means the world to us!


Creating a world

How did we create the world of Songs of Conquest?
We just released a new video showing more about the lore of our game and how it came to be. We have been working on the game for over five years and a lot people have worked on it. Making sure that every team member shares the same vision for the lore is very important to us. We have worked hard to create a coherent and believable world, which you will get to explore in just a few weeks!

As always: Thumbs up if you liked this post and leave a comment if you have any questions or suggestions!

/Team Lavapotion