Sorti sur PC en octobre dernier, puis sur Mac quelques temps après, voici que Buzz Aldrin’s Space Program Manager arrive aujourd’hui sur la tablette d’Apple. Plus important peut-être, sachez que le récent patch 1.4.0 a ajouté au jeu pas mal de nouveautés, dont deux programmes spatiaux supplémentaires, un meilleur didacticiel ou encore une interface améliorée (cf. changelog complet dans le forum officiel).
Pour plus d’informations sur le jeu voyez cette fiche sur iTunes, celle-ci chez Matrix ainsi que notre test. Ou encore par exemple ci-dessous la série de vidéos Let’s Play de Sukhoi ou celle d’Elrond de Mundus Bellicus, séries qui se sont achevées en janvier dernier.
Epsom, UK – March 12, 2015.
“Exploration is wired into our brains. If we can see the horizon, we want to know what’s beyond.” (Buzz Aldrin – US astronaut, member of Apollo 11 mission)Since the PC release last October, engineers from developer Polar Motion have not been sitting on their hands. A MAC version, community contest, and several updates have transformed the fragile spaceship into a powerful rocket able to reach the stars. But exploration is the driving force of the team and they’ve just set up a booster that will let them land on a brand new platform: the iPad. Utilizing all of the knowledge developed during these months, this adaptation includes the very latest 1.4.0 update – released last week – for a safe and comfortable first space walk on tablet.
All of the elements that seduced PC players have been implemented in this adaptation. 3 types of campaigns including the Race to the Moon between the US and the USSR, a sandbox mode, historical and what-if space programs, and realistic management tools come together for a nerve-racking and inspiring experience as the head of a space agency. Allocating funds to programs could look simple on paper, but players will have to make sure that there is not a single dollar wasted in their global space supremacy plan. Risk-takers will set foot on the Moon first. Fool-hardy players though, will see their spaceship exploding before reaching our satellite…
Today iPad owners can also participate in this thrilling yet dangerous adventure. Polar Motion have worked on the controls and the optimization to ensure this platform is perfectly adapted to this space odyssey.