Strategic Command WWII – World at War : sortie et screenshots

En bref. Matrix confirme que le nouveau chapitre de la série Strategic Command est disponible. Au menu, la Terre entière à l’époque du plus grand conflit jamais vu dans l’Histoire. Ce que le jeu permet de simuler au travers de parties assez rapides, relativement vu l’ampleur du sujet, en reprenant la formule ayant fait le succès du précédent volet.

Au passage voici une récente série de captures d’écrans montrant différentes positions de départ dans les scénarios débutant en 1939, 1942 et 1943.

Pour plus d’informations sur Strategic Command WWII – World at War, dont nous reparlerons dans quelques temps, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur, ou celle-ci sur Steam.

Concernant le précédent volet de la série, Strategic Command WWII : War in Europe, voyez cette fiche chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam, ainsi que notre test. Ou encore ce précédent court récit d’un début de partie Strategic Command – WWII in Europe : AAR Case White.




The new Strategic Command is out
World at War lets you fight on all fronts

Strategic Command WWII: World at War – the latest chapter in the Strategic Command Franchise – has been released!

This is your chance to fight the 20th century’s greatest conflict, from Poland to China, Normandy to the Pacific, on a map encompassing the whole globe.
Building on the success of Strategic Command WWII: War in Europe, this new installment will provide even more opportunities to try out different strategies, maximizing re-playability and fight on any war front.

Strategic Command WWII World at War – some features

– New Features! From limited naval repairs to Kamikazes.

– Take command of the Axis or Allies, and re-fight the whole of WWII!

– Let the computer take control of some of your allies so you can concentrate on your favorite theaters.

– Play on a top-down hex based map spanning the entire globe.

– In addition to the Grand Campaign starting in 1939, Strategic Command WWII: World At War also includes shorter scenarios.

– A realistic Fog of War simulates the historical atmosphere where you have to make decisions with only partial knowledge of your opponent’s intentions and dispositions.

– Play with a choice of 3-D unit graphics, or NATO counters if you prefer a more traditional wargaming experience

– Research and upgrade your units with a unique level of choices! Infantry Weapons, Rockets, Anti-Submarine Warfare, Amphibious Warfare, and more!

– Use Diplomacy to win over new allies and use your intelligence to undermine the enemy!

– Contains a large number of strategic level Decision Events for you to choose your path to victory.

– Very easy to use Editor to make your own “what-if” scenarios or create new maps and campaigns from scratch.

– Very active modding community eager to share their developments with other players, whether it be changing the look of the map or designing new campaigns, even covering conflicts in other time periods, there is a lot there!


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