En bref. Voici une courte bande-annonce pour présenter ce futur petit wargame tactique qui revient aujourd’hui en version remasterisé et Accès anticipé sur la plateforme de Valve. L’ancienne version, qui portait exactement le même nom, et qui était sorti vers 2013, allant donc être remplacée par celle-ci.
Pour plus d’informations sur le remake de Tank Operations – European Campaign, dont la sortie semble être envisagée courant septembre, voyez cette page sur Steam ou le site officiel.
Final Countdown: Early Access starts August 8
Hi strategy fans,
We are thrilled to announce that Tank Operations: European Campaign Remastered Early Access starts August 8!
We can hardly wait to welcome you to lead nerve-wracking battles against the Wehrmacht and to smash the threat to Europe by the destructive forces of the Third German Reich.
We hope Early Access will give us the feedback we need to make the game an amazing experience for strategists and tacticians alike for years to come. We know that you may still have questions. We have highlighted some key points below to help you navigate Early Access and beyond!
What is included in Early Access?
Early Access offers you an early entry into Tank Operations: European Campaign Remastered. On release day you will be able to play the first 4 levels of the game. We want to work on one level after the other step by step. We intend to release regular content updates until we reach v1.0. You can already expect a lot of fun despite the rough edges, lack of balance, possible bugs and missing content which are typical for Early Access games. You’ll be part of an ongoing development of a game that is still in test mode.When is the game’s Early Access launching?
Tank Operations Early Access will be launching August 8.What languages will be supported?
At launch, Tank Operations Early Access will be in English, French, German, Polish, Russian and Simplified Chinese. With your help we want to find out into which other languages the game has to be translated.How do I participate in Tank Operations Early Access?
That’s an easy one! You’ll be able to purchase the Early Access version on Steam on August 8th.If I buy the Early Access version, does that mean I get access to the full version of the game when it’s releases, without paying any extra / twice?
Early Access is intended for fans of strategy games who will participate and contribute to Tank Operations Early Access and in return, will have the full version of the game upon release.… and when will that be?
We estimate that Tank Operations: European Campaign will be in Early Access for about 4 to 6 months.How will I be involved in the develpment process?
If you purchase Tank Operations on Early Access, you will have the chance to play the game and become an active part by providing valuable feedback to us and help us improve and finalize the game. Getting feedback from the community is the reason why we are going through Early Access! Whether it’s bug reports, ideas or general criticism, we appreciate your feedback on the Steam discussion board.How can I stay up-to-date on everything regarding Early Access?
We’ll update you on all new things that will happen! Just keep an eye on Steam and our feedback forum.Will the game be priced differently during and after Early Access?
Tank Operations Early Access will be released with a discount. With the release of version 1.0, the price will increase.Please note: All players who have the “old” Tank Operations in their Steam library will automatically receive the new full version free of charge as soon as it is available.