Paradox a profité du salon de l’E3 2012, qui vient de se terminer ce week-end à Los Angeles, pour dévoiler un troisième add-on pour Hearts of Iron 3. Nommée Their Finest Hour, cette extension améliorera la gestion de l’espionnage, des débarquements, ajoutera des plans de batailles historiques, des unités d’élites, des caractéristiques supplémentaires pour les leaders, et surtout, proposera un mode de jeu dédié au thème des “What if” ainsi que deux scénarios, l’un pour la Guerre d’Espagne, l’autre pour la Guerre Russo-finlandaise. Pour plus de précisions et une première série de captures d’écrans voyez le communiqué ci-dessous.
Sortie prévue dans le courant du troisième trimestre 2012.
[nivo_slider source=”post” link=”image” size=”810×450″ limit=”9″ effect=”fold” speed=”1500″ delay=”5000″]Paradox Helps You Relive “Their Finest Hour” Later This Year. Victory at all costs. Yes, it is true. It’s time to dust off the field marshal’s baton and take command of any nation in World War II; the largest conflict in history.
Because one of Paradox Interactives and Paradox Development Studios’ most expansive games will get even bigger this fall. Hearts of Iron III, the deepest and most expansive simulation of World War 2-era politics, science and warfare, will see a new expansion that offers players a greater connection to the period’s history and new ways to jump straight into the action.“Their Finest Hour” is the third expansion for Hearts of Iron III, and comes three years after the original game’s release – further evidence of Paradox’s commitment to building and growing their games well after the launch period, adding features and ideas requested by their active and involved international online community.
You can expect the expansion Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour to land with a bang later in 2012.
Announced features for Hearts of iron III: Their Finest Hour include:
– Expanded espionage system with new and reworked missions, including new covert operations that can be performed on the map.
– New ‘battle plans’ mode where you can load historical plans, or draw your own and share with your allies in real-time in multiplayer games.
– New unique elite units for each major nation’s army – Gurkhas, Rangers, Imperial Guards etc.
– Deeper naval invasions system including the development of specialized landing and assault crafts to improve the effectiveness of your assault.
– More detailed control over strategic warfare and a generalized lend-lease system to support your distant allies with your industrial might.
– Leaders are now able to gain traits, and assigning them to duty is more important than ever with the new combat tactics system for battles.
– A new custom game mode for both single and multiplayer. You start with a clean slate and can instantly produce units, research technologies and affect political alignment before the game begins. This allows you to model interesting ‘what-if’ scenarios and speeds up the early years for those who would like to jump straight into the action with no slow build-up.
– Two new detailed battle scenarios, the Russo-Finnish Winter War and the Spanish Civil War
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