USC – Counterforce : nouvelle démo

Dans le cadre du festival Tacticon 2023, Firesquid annonce qu’une nouvelle démo est disponible via Steam pour ce futur jeu dans lequel on dirige une escouade de Space Commandos. Jeu a priori inspiré de XCOM, Space Hulk et du film Aliens, et qui offrira à terme un gameplay en tour par tour très tactique et incluant une dimension RPG-Lite, jeu de rôle allégé si vous préférez, permettant de développer ses différents personnages. Si ce cocktail vous intrigue, vous pouvez essayer soit une opération, trois missions qui s’enchaînent, soit douze missions uniques sur trois cartes différentes, cela avec cinq niveaux de difficulté.

Au passage voici d’une part en en-tête une courte bande-annonce diffusée l’automne dernier, et d’autre part une nouvelle vidéo présentant rapidement Ultimate Space Commando, précédent jeu sorti en 2015 et sur la base duquel les développeurs ont entrepris de faire une suite de plus grande ampleur.

Pour plus d’informations sur USC Counterforce, dont la sortie est prévue ultérieurement cette année, voyez cette page sur Steam et le site officiel.


USC Counterforce - Tacticon 2023Communiqués

USC: Counterforce will be part of TactiCon 2023, the digital convention hosted on Steam celebrating strategy video games

To celebrate we prepared a brand-new demo including:

– The ’Scientific data, Retrieval’ operation divided into three missions with new mechanics and three difficulty levels.
– 12 single missions distributed across three different map types, each of which can be played on any of the 5 available difficulty modes.
– All items will be unlocked for players which will include thirteen weapon types with forty items in total to utilize.

We are also preparing a new video!
Taking place on the second day of TactiCon, lead developer Aliza Wenders will be featured in a special video exclusive to the event. Stay tuned!

Your feedback is extremely precious, it helps us make the best game possible!

Please share your feedback regarding the demo on discord:

The USC Counterforce team


Video: celebrating the 8th anniversary of the first USC!

It’s been 8 years since “Ultimate Space Commando” came out and we’re celebrating with a new video!

May 12, 2015.

On this beautiful day, we released the game that would later become the very foundation of USC: Counterforce.

Ultimate Space Commando established in 2015 most of what makes USC: Counterforce a deeply satisfying strategy game in 2023:

Deeply configurable squads assembled by the player, Destructible and interactive environments, Many different weapons, tools, and items to tackle every situation in any way you want, Blueprints and crafting mechanics to upgrade your gear, Tense sci-fi setting inspired by Aliens, A semi-randomized, multi-ended solo campaign, And so on!

“USC: Counterforce is a fresh take on the first title: better, bigger, and deeper”

At the time, Aliza Wenders was the only person working on Ultimate Space Commando.

Today she still is the lead developer at Angry Cat Studios and directing USC: Counterforce, but now has new marines to help her:

Csaba Bak, who joined as a junior Game Designer and Tester
Firesquid, as a Publisher and helping with the production

With this extra help, USC: Counterforce will become this better, bigger, and deeper version of Ultimate Space Commando!

Want to try it by yourself? Our new demo is available on Steam now!

The USC: Counterforce Team


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