En bref. Après un développement plus long que prévu, Avalon confirme aujourd’hui que l’adaptation PC de Carrier Battles est désormais ouverte à tous. Voilà qui devrait intéresser tous les amateurs de sérieuses batailles navales, particulièrement ici celles intenses ayant eu lieu au coeur de 39-45 dans le Pacifique.
Pour plus d’informations sur Carrier Battles for Guadalcanal, voyez cette page sur Kickstarter, celle-ci chez l’éditeur, ou le site officiel du jeu. Ou encore cette page sur Steam.
Concernant la version iOS de Carrier Battles for Guadalcanal, parue elle il y a quelques années, voyez si besoin cette page sur iTunes.
Game is now released
Dear players and backers,
Well this is it,
The “Carrier Battles” has been launched and completed this glorious day of the Fifth of June !!
Thank you very much for your support, your time, your patience during this 70 test versions, the Coronavirus, these tons of bugs (no counting 1.5 years of development, a lot of bus travel to meet the editor and the main developer, doubt and joy)
Even tough the logic of the game had been already approved on iOS, the port to Unity proved to be tricky and you managed to raise enough feedback to tackle most of the nasty issues along with some interesting ideas of improvement
If some of you would like to continue the BETA adventure please revert by email
There are certainly new features, scenarios around the corner and you would be the first to try and shape them
Otherwise, the Steam community is open for comment. On iOS , the slack channel remains also open
Thanks again and cheers !
Cyril Jarnot and Avalon Digital