Civilization VI : voici les Khmers et le patch d’automne

Voici enfin du nouveau pour le sixième volet de Civilization, avec pour commencer quelque chose d’intéressant, à savoir que le prochain patch automnal viendra refondre la religion, en ajoutant de nouvelles croyances et unités. Au programme, deux panthéons supplémentaires, avec leurs propres fondateurs et suivants, mais aussi deux nouveaux bâtiments, et une nouvelle unité de combat, les Moines-guerriers.

Plus important, le mécanisme simulant les affrontements religieux sera amélioré. Il est vrai que cela devenait vite très basique et répétitif (surtout face à une civ ayant de nombreuses unités religieuses). Les unités religieuses exerceront désormais une zone de contrôle et recevront des bonus de flanc et de soutien lors de ces “combats”. Une unité dite Gourou pourra aussi soigner les unités religieuses voisines. Dernier point, l’interface et le filtre religion seront améliorés pour permettre une meilleure lisibilité de la carte.

Plus généralement le prochain patch améliorera aussi l’IA, l’équilibrage du jeu et d’autres pans de l’interface (ex : les personnages illustres). On apprend que les océans seront désormais plus dangereux, l’IA étant censée mieux produire les unités navales, les flottes et les armadas. Mais aussi être capable de mieux les protéger …

Niveau contenu, on découvre aussi aujourd’hui quel sera la prochaine nation à faire l’objet d’un DLC. En résumé il s’agira d’une civ ayant une bonne unité de siège, un temple spécial capable de produire automatiquement des martyrs et de stocker des reliques. La compétence spéciale du roi Jayavarman VII offrant elle un bonus en habitations et en nourriture pour les lieux saints construits au bord d’une rivière. Comme pour les précédents DLC, rien d’exceptionnel mais de quoi varier un petit peu plus les parties.

Toujours pas de nouvelles par contre de leaders supplémentaires pour les civs existantes, mécanismes très intéressant pour mieux varier le gameplay mais qui ne concerne pour l’instant que la Grèce (que l’on peut jouer soit avec Pericles, soit avec la reine Gorgo). Comme on pouvait le craindre, il semble très probable que cette idée, reprise d’ailleurs de Civilization IV, ne sera pas exploitée avant la future première vraie extension du jeu, pour laquelle on ne sait toujours pas grand chose, mis à part qu’elle devrait, en théorie, refondre la diplomatie en ajoutant un système probablement équivalent à celui du Congrès mondial (qui lui même était arrivé dans Civilization V via la très bonne extension Brave New World). Remarquons au passage que le patch qui va bientôt sortir va d’ailleurs contribuer à peaufiner un peu l’interface coté diplomatie. Ce n’est peut-être pas un hasard, qui sait ?

Le nouveau patch et le DLC ajoutant les Khmers ne sont pas encore disponibles, mais ils ne devraient pas tarder à arriver. En attendant, pour plus d’informations sur Civilization VI, voyez le site officiel ou cette page sur Steam.

A lire également dans nos archives notre AAR La république des philosophes.



Religion Gets a Reboot in the Civilization VI ‘Fall 2017 Update’

The “Fall 2017 Update” brings some major changes. The biggest: An update to the Religion system is coming to Civilization VI. I’m Sarah Darney with the dev team, and here’s a quick heads up on some of what you can expect.

Religion gets fleshed out with new beliefs and religious units. Two new Pantheons will be get introduced into the game, along with new Founder, Follower, Enhancer, and Worship Beliefs. These beliefs unlock the ability to build two new buildings as well as a new combat unit, the Warrior Monk.

We also heard your requests for a deeper overall experience – and took that to heart with revamped religious combat. Religious units can now exert Zone of Control and receive Flank and Support bonuses in religious combat. Meanwhile, the Guru religious support unit can heal nearby religious units.

Finally, the Religion Lens has been overhauled to improve overall usability and readability. You’ll also find UI touches, such as religion indicators on unit flags, to remove all guesswork on where a unit’s allegiance lies.

There are also a good number of UI, AI, and balance enhancements coming with the “Fall 2017 Update.” Here are some of the stand-out improvements.

The oceans are safe no longer, as the AI players have increased their building of naval units, as well as fleets and armadas. Additionally, they are better at healing and protecting their naval units. Brace for coastal assaults! With the upcoming addition of one of our new civs, this change is especially exciting.

We’re removing the least useful Gossip messages, which means you will now receive the most important news about what other players are up to, and you won’t have to search through all of the world’s happenings to get to it.

Finally, you’ll notice overall changes to the UI, including an update to the Diplomacy screens to ensure all information is clear and easy to find. Beyond this, the Great People art has been updated to feel more “great” and make this screen easier to navigate; Capital icons now show on city banners in the Espionage Mission selection menu, and many smaller changes have been made to the menus to make screens more moddable and extensible.

More changes are coming soon with the “Fall 2017 Update” and we’ll give you a full breakdown of everything going into it when it’s live. Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.


Much of that we know about King Jayavarman VII comes from inscriptions on the temple at Räjavihära (now Ta Prohm). These inscriptions offer a rich, yet still incomplete history of this beloved king of the Khmer Empire.

Rising to power during a period of crisis for the Khmer, Jayavarman was a military leader. By 1181, Jayavarman VII had repelled Cham invaders to the north and when hostilities died down, he crowned himself king. But instead of turning outward and seeking to aggressively expand, he focused on his people.

King Jayavarman VII saw himself as a warrior for his subjects. As a result, his rule was marked by its tolerance and his drive to create a place of safety and paradise for his subjects.

He went on to make Mahayana Buddhism the state religion, breaking with 400 years of Khmer Hinduism. And to mark the occasion, he would initiate an era of unprecedented construction and infrastructure creation. Among the improvements made on his watch: numerous temples, 102 hospitals, stone-paved highways out of reach of flood waters, the 54 towers at Bayon, and extensive irrigation projects. Another documented project was the construction of rest houses every 15 km throughout the kingdom.

King Jayavarman VII and his people-driven reign remains fondly remembered in Cambodia, where he figured prominently in state-produced education materials well into the 20th century.


Khmer employed war elephants in their military campaigns. Once docile farming animals, Domrey were 12,000 pounds of might used to break enemy lines and stampede through enemy forces. Usually, Khmer riders would use the precision of double crossbows to supplement the raw power of their elephants; however, the Domrey variant here adds the sheer force of a mounted ballista, making it more mobile (and more deadly) than a traditional catapult.


These holy sites at the center of Khmer worship would serve as both symbols of their warrior-kings’ piety and their engineers’ brilliance. The earliest Khmer temple on record is Prasat Ak Yom (c. 800), its design reflecting the South Indian tradition of ‘ratha’-style temples, towering edifices terminating in a crown at the top. Of course, the Khmer would add their own flourish, adding prangs, or towers to the structures.


With Jayavaraman VII’s pious devotion, it makes sense that his unique ability, “Monasteries of the King,” would highlight his religious reform. Playing as Jayavaraman VII, you can grab adjacent territory when you complete your Holy Sites, which also provide additional Food and Housing when built on a river.

The “Grand Barays” ability focuses on Jayavaraman VII’s devotion to providing infrastructure to his people. This ability increases Khmer’s food yield when Farms are built next to Aqueducts, and makes Aqueducts far more versatile by granting bonuses to Faith and an Amenity.

Anyone who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition of Civilization VI will receive this leader – and the DLC pack – automatically when it goes live.

Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI.


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