Crusader Kings II – Horse Lords : nouvelle vidéo

A sept jours de sa sortie, Paradox diffuse une nouvelle vidéo récapitulant les nouveautés dans Horse Lords, la prochaine extension de Crusader Kings 2. Ce huitième important DLC se focalisera sur les fameuses invasions mongoles qui ont impacté le monde au Moyen-Age. En plus de lutter contre ou de jouer avec Genghis Khan et ses consors, cet add-on proposera comme nouveautés de nouvelles relation diplomatiques, la prise en compte de la Route de la soie, la mobilisation de hordes, la politique des tribus et clan nomades, des fortifications temporaires, ou encore une carte représentant plus finement l’Asie centrale. Comme à l’accoutumée, un patch pour le jeu de base accompagnera la sortie de cet add-on.

Pour plus d’informations sur le jeu, voyez le site, nos précédents articles dans nos archives, et surtout les notes des développeurs, pour lesquelles vous trouverez les liens par ici dans le forum officiel.




With an expanded map, revised interface and new rules for successions and trade, Horse Lords will immerse you in a world very different from the fixed settlements of Europe and challenge you to become the Great Khan – the Ruler of the Sky.

Features in the expansion include:

  • Nomadic rule: Distinct from the tribal governments already in game, nomads need lots of space and resist the trappings of settlement.
  • Clan politics: Rule a clan within a nomadic tribe, split clans that get too large, fight for dominance, and proclaim feuds and blood oaths.
  • Muster Hordes: Raise vast armies of horsemen and archers, mobilizing your entire population to ride forth and conquer.
  • Silk Road: This rich trade network can bring great wealth to whomever controls the cities along the route – but it’s especially ripe for pillaging.
  • Larger Map: The Central Asian plains have been expanded.
  • Tributaries: New diplomatic relationship for nomad states forces defeated enemies to keep the Khan’s coffers filled.
  • Forts: build temporary fortifications to hold a province under your sway for just long enough for you to finish the war.
  • Horse Lords is the eighth major expansion to Crusader Kings II and will be coming to major digital retailers very soon. In the meantime, prepare to meet the Great Khan on the field of battle; your stone walls won’t help you.



STOCKHOLM –With the newest expansion for Paradox’s hit medieval history game only a week away, Crusader Kings II lead designer Henrik Fåhraeus has taken time out of his busy schedule to shoot a short video outlining some of the major changes that Horse Lords will bring.

From the peculiar succession rules of the nomadic tribes to the trade wealth that passes through the Silk Road, Fahrëus takes you on a tour of the coming attractions in what we think will be an expansion with exciting new ways to plot, marry and fight your way to power in the Middle Ages.


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