Matrix a mis en ligne une première série de captures d’écrans pour Germany Reforged, extension pour Flashpoint Campaigns – Red Storm qui permettra de redécouvrir les scénarios du jeu d’origine, paru il y a dix ans, Flashoint Germany, tout en profitant du nouveau moteur de jeu développé par On Target Simulations.
La date de sortie de ce Battle Pack n’est pas encore connue, mais comme il vient d’entrer en phase bêta, on peut raisonnablement espérer le voir arriver ces prochains mois. D’ici là pour plus d’informations voyez cette fiche chez Matrix. Ou lisez éventuellement en complément notre test de Flashpoint Campaigns : Red Storm.
- The return of Flashpoint Germany, entirely remastered with the latest On Target Simulations engine.
- Unit, map and other visuals have been upgraded to the latest wargaming standards.
- Introduction of new game mechanics, available in Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm.
- Revamped Battle Maps and introduction of a gigantic new map called “Eiterberg”.
- 17 scenarios with 43 variations that simulate realistic what-if situations in an hypotetical “Cold War gone hot” war.
Over ten years ago, an incredible game brought to life the complexity and the destructive power of the War that never was, the possible massive conflict in Europe between Soviet Union and NATO. This game was Flashpoint Germany. From the very beginning the game impressed critics. You felt the pressure to have your regiment under control, dealing with air strikes, minefields, high-tech missiles and even with your own radio traffic (which could have revealed your HQ’s position forcing you to keep it moving)!
More recently On Target Simulations, the developers of Flashpoint Germany, brought us their newest masterpiece, Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm, a whole new and much more advanced simulation with very realistic modern warfare gameplay.
Now we are pleased to announce a new Battle Pack that combines the best of both games.Flashpoint Campaigns: Germany Reforged is a new Battle pack for Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm which allows veterans of the series and novices alike to play an advanced version of the all-time classic Flashpoint Germany. This upcoming release is now entering beta and we are looking for testers! Alongside this release, we have a big update for Flashpoint Campaigns: Red Storm coming as well.
Now the original strategy masterpiece has been brought up to date with the new Flashpoint Campaigns system, and Flashpoint Campaigns: Germany Reforged will be ready soon!
Stay tuned for further updates!