Mode 7 a mis en ligne il y a peu une nouvelle longue présentation du gameplay de ce second volet de Frozen Synapse. Jeu qui devrait offrir une approche très originale et soignée des combats tactiques dans un contexte urbain futuriste. Un peu voire beaucoup à la manière de ce que proposais X-Com Apocalypse en son temps.
Autrement dit il s’agira d’évoluer dans une vaste cité générée de manière procédurale, de rivaliser avec diverses factions, et bien sûr de batailler en envoyant vos escouades accomplir différentes missions. En plus de l’aspect planification tactique qui devrait être très important, le jeu devrait proposer un environnement ouvert riche en interactions, toute la ville pouvant être explorer librement, soit en utilisant la violence, soit en utilisant la discrétion. Ou pourquoi pas, un peu de diplomatie aussi.
Pour de plus amples informations sur Frozen Synapse 2, dont la sortie devrait avoir lieu ce mois-ci, si tout va bien, voyez cette fiche sur Steam et le site officiel. A lire également en complément notre article Frozen Synapse : une autre idée du jeu de combat d’escouades.
Frozen Synapse 2 should come out in August.
We don’t know exactly when yet, but this is ok to announce. Perhaps it’ll make people argue slightly less about it on our Steam community, but we don’t hold out too much hope. The game is currently undergoing final bug and balance testing, as well as a last beta round for gameplay purposes – we’ll hold it back if there are any significant issues but don’t anticipate anything at the moment.
Brand New Preview Vid
Here is a 30-odd minute gameplay preview video showing the scope of Frozen Synapse 2, in which I:
– Lose to one of the worst units in the game because I forgot it was carrying a gun
– Perform a daring raid on an enemy base and then forget to look for money while I’m there
– Casually hand over powerful artefacts to militant religious extremists and get myself into debt repeatedly
A news post about this would gladden my exhausted game developer heart.
Helpful Quote
Here is an actual quote:
“Frozen Synapse 2 is the culmination of everyhing we’ve done since we started Mode 7. It’s got a proven tactical core with a big, systemic strategic overworld and I hope this gameplay video presents an honest, full depiction of the scope we’ve managed to achieve. We’re being very open about the nature of the game because we truly believe there’s enough in there for the content to stand on its own. If people don’t like this we’re probably going to quit and start an alpaca farm instead.
We’re desperate to get anyone who enjoyed the first game to check it out, as well as anyone who is interested in large-scale strategy games – it’s incredibly hard for any indie game to reach an audience these days, so wishlisting it on Steam would make a big difference to us. We have big plans to continue working on the game after launch, so we really hope it gains the traction we need to do that.”