Headquarters – World War II : nouvelles images

En bref. Parmi les futurs titres en cours d’élaboration du coté de Slitherine, ce wargame tactique pourrait s’avérer à terme un jeu très amusant, voire intéressant pour représenter assez finement différents types de combats entre autres de chars dans le cadre de 39-45.

On découvrira aujourd’hui avec plaisir que le terrain sera méticuleusement modélisé. Ce qui d’une part sera très plaisant pour l’oeil, mais d’autre part devrait surtout avoir des conséquences directes sur le déroulé des combats. En résumé, le champ de bataille sera “dynamique”, c’est à dire destructible, permettant donc de modifier plus ou moins les situations en créant de nouvelles opportunités tactiques.

Seul regret pour l’instant, la très courte troisième vidéo diffusée hier ne montre quasi rien de concret, reportez-vous directement au nouveau dev diary chez Slitherine pour voir différents exemples du détail des terrains. Je vous mets ci-après l’image la plus représentative.

Pour plus d’informations sur Headquarters: World War II, dont la date de sortie n’est toujours pas dans les viseurs, voyez cette fiche chez Slitherine et cette page sur Steam.

Headquarters World War II


Headquarters World War II – Dev log #3 – “Dynamic battlefield – visually appealing, yet easy to devastate.”


It is Oleksandr from Starni Games with the third Dev log entry. Today, I will tell you more about the highly realistic environment in Headquarters: World War II and how you can interact with it to change the battlefield as the combat progresses, by destroying buildings, walls, and other objects.

The visual appeal

One of the key aspects of Headquarters: World War II is that despite a very serious topic – World War II, it has visually appealing peaceful towns (until you start demolishing them that is), making a stark contrast between this peaceful beauty and the war raging around and threatening to start wreaking havoc any moment.

The finer details

We put a lot of work into creating a very detailed environment – we have misc items on the tables in the yard and even mushrooms in the forest you could zoom in and look for.

Buildings destruction

The vast majority of buildings in the game can be destroyed, changing the way they affect the combat. Each building has 3 states: regular, damaged, and destroyed.

Each has its own set of bonuses it provides to the unit occupying it, which diminish as destruction progresses. So, if a building that served as the advanced position for your troops has collapsed – a sensible option would be to move to a better position.

Obstacles destruction

Apart from buildings, there are other things you can interact with – various walls and other things that could block your path. Landing a couple of shots near them could destroy the object. Another approach would be to drive your heavy tanks right through the pesky roadblock. They also provide combat bonuses, and your ability to destroy them depends on the type of unit – jeeps cannot punch through stone walls, but tanks could.

Dynamic battlefield

Being able to destroy objects on the battlefield adds an extra tactical layer to combat. Being able to react quickly to these changes, or creating new opportunities yourself – is one of the key elements of the game.

Coming up next

In the next Dev log, I will focus more on the different terrain types and explain the elevated terrain mechanics. I will tell you more about:

Different terrain types
Elevated terrain mechanics
Terrain’s interaction with the Line of Fire

See you next time


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