Military Operations : rendez-vous en juin pour la version Benchmark

Ce futur jeu voulant simuler à l’échelle opérationnelle et en grand détail les plus grandes batailles de 39-45 va franchir en juin prochain une étape importante, cela du fait de la sortie d’une version de test du moteur graphique, qui permettra donc de déterminer si votre PC pourra faire fonctionner cet ambitieux gameplay mi-STR mi-wargame.

Pour mieux imaginer ce que devrait donner le rendu du jeu, voyez les deux vidéos suivantes, la première étant un teaser montrant les unités vues au ras du sol et la seconde montrant elle l’impressionnant niveau de zoom / dézoom du moteur 3D.

Pour plus d’informations sur Military Operations: Benchmark, dont la sortie est prévue ce 14 juin, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ainsi que le site officiel.



Announcing “Military Operations: Benchmark”
Netherlands – May 3rd, 2018

This Benchmark application gives an exciting preview of the unique technology that is used to develop the “Military Operations” game (MilOps for short).

MilOps is an operational level real-time strategy game set in World War 2. MilOps is being developed for Windows PC.

“Military Operations: Benchmark” will be released on Steam, June 14th, 2018.

Benchmark features

Powered by the Metis Engine, a one-of-its-kind engine applying cutting-edge GPU technology, MilOps features a huge number of troops.

A never before seen combination of scale, detail and realism with battlefields of up to 30000 Km2 (12000 mi2) on a life-sized planet-earth featuring 50000 troops and 10000 units, all individually simulated in great detail.

The MilOps Benchmark is a fully interactive application that allows the user to roam anywhere on the planet. Inspect the battlefield from orbit, interact with units and troops or watch them in battle close-up.

The benchmark option performs a profile run to establish the system’s capability to run the upcoming Military Operations wargame.

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About Military Operations development
“Military Operations” is an independent games developer operating from the Netherlands. Military Operations is committed to deliver immersive, simulation-driven gaming experiences on PC platforms.

More information about MilOps and its development is available on our website.

A press-kit containing the pictures in this email in higher resolution, can be downloaded here.


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