En bref. Voici une série de nouvelles captures d’écrans illustrant deux des dix-huit scénarios de ce futur intéressant wargame tactique inspiré du classique Panzer General II. Screenshots donc d’une part pour le scénario sur le siège de Tobrouk et d’autre part pour celui sur le siège de Dunkerque.

Pour plus d’informations sur Panzer Strategy, d’ores et déjà accessible en version Accès anticipé, et dont la sortie de la version définitive pourrait avoir lieu en fin d’année, ou au début de l’année prochaine, voyez le site officiel ou cette fiche sur Steam.





#8 scenario: Siege of Tobruk

This is one of my favorite scenarios! Sea, sands and palm trees like in pirate stories :)

The siege lasted for 241 days in 1941 after Axis forces advanced in Operation Sonnenblume against Allied forces in Libya.

The port was attacked by a force under Erwin Rommel and continued during three relief attempts. The occupation of Tobruk deprived the Axis of a supply port closer to the Egypt–Libya border, which was within the range of Royal Airforce bombers.

The siege diverted Axis troops from the frontier and the Tobruk garrison repulsed several Axis attacks. The port was frequently bombarded by artillery, dive-bombers and medium bombers, as the RAF flew defensive sorties from airfields far away in Egypt.

Allied naval forces ran the blockade, carrying reinforcements and supplies in and wounded and prisoners out. On 27 November, Tobruk was relieved by the Eighth Army in Operation Crusader.

Battle of Dunkirk will be the fifth scenario in Panzer Strategy

The Battle of Dunkirk took place in France. As part of the Battle of France on the Western Front, the Battle of Dunkirk was the defense and evacuation to Britain of British and other Allied forces in Europe from 26 May to 4 June 1940.

The German army was to halt for three days, which gave the Allies sufficient time to organize the Dunkirk evacuation and build a defensive line.

The War Office made the decision to evacuate British forces on 25 May. In the nine days, 338,226 men escaped aboard 861 vessels (243 were sunk during the operation).

We will try to reproduce conditions of this dramatic battle in our scenario.

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