Radio Commander – Pacific Campaign : teaser et screenshots

En bref. Voici une première courte-bande-annonce pour présenter ce futur jeu allant permettre de jouer la guerre entre USA et Japon en 41-45 sous un angle original, celui des transmissions radios. Comme le nom l’indique le principe est le même que pour Radio Commander paru fin 2019 (voir ce test), mais le jeu est ici développé par une nouvelle équipe.

Ce teaser ne montrant que l’ambiance générale, voici quelques premières captures d’écrans pour mieux vous faire une idée de ce que sera le jeu, schématiquement un mélange entre dimension stratégique et tactique.

Pour plus d’informations sur Radio Commander: Pacific Campaign, pour lequel aucune date de sortie n’a été communiquée, voyez cette page sur Steam.



Radio commander: Pacific Campaign! We are finally here!

Welcome, Radio Commanders!

We are happy to announce that we are here, on Steam, with our first project – Radio Commander: Pacific Campaign. Being fans of the original Radio Commander ourselves we are proud to create our game in the same universe based on similar principles and expand it!

We will show you the Pacific Campaign from two perspectives. One of a Tactical Commander, where you will be close to the troops, just like in the original Radio Commander. But we also want to provide you with a chance of becoming the Strategic Commander who is in charge of moving massive fleets and aircraft squadrons across the whole Pacific Ocean. You will be introduced to the most important battles of the Pacific War and we will give you the freedom to feel alternative outcomes. Change the history!

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Don’t forget to follow and wishlist if You want to be the first to get information about this project! Also – feel free to let us know your initial thoughts about this game coming to life! What do you think about the setting? How do you like the teaser and the screenshots? We are interested in reading it all!

Best Regards,

Squadron Studio Team