Rendez-vous fin mai pour Imagine Earth

Les amateurs de colonisation de planètes lointaines seront peut-être curieux de découvrir, à partir du 25 mai prochain, cet ambitieux jeu hybride qui va donc bientôt quitter la phase Accès anticipé dans laquelle il est depuis plusieurs années, le développement du projet ayant débuté vers 2013-14.

Imagine Earth mélange simulation planétaire et construction, avec de la gestion et de l’exploration. Il propose une campagne basée sur l’histoire de neuf planètes, une cinquantaine de bâtiments avec de nombreuses améliorations, ou encore par exemple cinq autres factions avec lesquelles rivaliser.

Pour plus d’informations sur Imagine Earth, voyez cette page sur Steam et le site officiel. Ou aussi cette désormais ancienne page sur IndieGogo.



Imagine Earth – Steam full release date revealed

Big News Space Colony Managers,

It’s been a long lasting journey of over seven years through the hyperspace of Early Access for Imagine Earth – Planetary Colonization. Our global real-time civilization sim Imagine Earth finally has an official Steam release date and will be delivered with a massive “world congress” update PC on 25th May.

Thank you all for making this possible.

Some of you have been following our project for ages, popping in every few years, and some are new to it, having only recently joined our quest for new, habitable worlds. Over all these years, the game has found over 43,000 supporters who have made the development of our world simulator possible until today.

Beta Test for Release Feature

In the next few days we will be making available a beta version of a new feature we are currently working on. If you would like to participate in this beta, please join our Discord server:

Open Space Addon

In parallel, we have already started planning and producing an addon in which you will be able to colonize procedural galaxies and the exchange of goods and commodities between planets will be strengthened. It will also be possible to upgrade your own space base and equip the settlement capsules with special properties.

Early Access Recap Post

To celebrate this important milestone, we will write a comprehensive summary of all the events and developments during that time. It’s going to be a turbulent journey through time.

Community Survey

Over the time of development, we have accumulated a long list of good ideas that we think would be great additions to the game. However, we want to get your opinion and wishes on how best to improve the game. Get ready for a big poll around the release.

Here you’ll find the official press release. Here is the release post auf Twitter from you afterwards we’d be happy if you would push it with likes and retweets.