Comme ils l’avaient annoncé il y a quelques semaines, les développeurs de Blind Mind Studios ont fait sortir Star Ruler 2 de la phase bêta qu’il avait entamé l’année dernière. Ce 4X option STR est donc désormais accessible à tous via les principales plate-formes de téléchargement, GoG, GamersGate, et bien sûr via Steam.

Pour plus d’informations sur le jeu voyez le communiqué ci-après ainsi que notre test de Star Ruler et les vidéos dans cette précédente brève. A voir aussi pour le coup d’œil cette ancienne vidéo ci-dessous présentant une énorme bataille spatiale. Bel essai dans lequel le moteur graphique jongle avec un peu moins de 15 000 vaisseaux pour réaliser un joli feu d’artifice vidéoludique.



March 9, 2015 – With the official launch of Star Ruler 2 just a couple of weeks away, Blind Mind Studios LLC., today releases a brand new gameplay trailer to celebrate its coming transition from Early Access to its Release later this month.

Star Ruler 2 offers a new type of 4X experience not seen before in the strategy genre – one that is sure to captivate a new generation of players as well as long-time players.

Players expand their space empires across galaxies, chaining together exports and imports from their planets; naturally creating semi-realistic trade networks of food, water, and  strategic resources to fuel the growth of a few powerful worlds.  Meanwhile, they’ll barter with and hoard political capital in the diplomacy system, create and influence political opportunities such as the annexation of planets into other empires, and engage other politicos in a war of words to sway the galaxy to support their cause.  The more engineer-minded player may bury themselves in the robust ship designer – or forego the details and design their ships by committee.  The more adventurous player might explore the galaxy, interacting with the strange and old Remnants of a forgotten, fallen empire, and discovering their technology and secrets while braving the dangers of their aging defenses.

“We set out to break new ground with Star Ruler 2, not just retread in the footsteps of the old classics.  With our new engine, Starflare, we’re pushing into new territory and what we’re finding is a brand new experience we’re very excited to share with gamers everywhere,” said Andrew Ackermann of Blind Mind Studios.

To watch the new gameplay trailer, please visit:

Star Ruler 2 will be released on March 27th 2015 with full modding support, an in-game modding toolkit, trading cards, achievements and a built-in IRC.

Related Links:

To purchase while the game is still in early access, visit:

Steam –

Gamersgate –

Star Ruler 2 Homepage:

Star Ruler 2 Twitter: @rulerofstars

About Blind Mind Studios, LLC.

Blind Mind Studios is a 2-man independent developer and publisher owned and run by Andrew Ackermann.  More information on the studio can be found at


  1. Mouais, jolis effets pyro ! Restent au moins deux questions sans réponses : “Quelles ressources matérielles pour effectuer ce stress test” (bon d’accord, peu importe :) ) et surtout : “Qui a gagné ? “.

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