Wars Across The World : patch et DLC Finland 1918

En bref. Un nouveau scénario, le dix-neuvième, est disponible pour ce jeu mi-plateau mi-wargame qui a pour objectif de jouer facilement tous les conflits ayant parsemé l’histoire de l’humanité. Et propose donc, comme on le voit aujourd’hui, de découvrir aussi des périodes moins connues, telle celle qui vit la Finlande arracher son indépendance à la Russie lors d’une courte guerre civile à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale.

Au passage sachez que la version iOS semble en bonne voie et devrait bientôt permettre de jouer à Wars Across the World sur iPad. De plus le jeu a bénéficié ce week-end d’une nouvelle mise à jour, qui entre autre améliore la gestion des mouvements. Voyez le changelog ci-dessous pour plus de précisions.

Pour plus d’informations sur Finland 1918, voyez cette page sur Steam. Concernant Wars Across the World, voyez notre test puis cet interview de Stéphane Parrinle site officielcette page sur Steam, ou encore la page Facebook du jeu.


Release of Finland 1918

Today a new scenario will be released, Finland 1918, featuring the war of independance of Finland at the end of WW1. Play the Reds versus the Whites in an epic struggle in the frozen forests and lakes of Finland.

Nb: a code and DB improvement for WAW will take place this weekend. Stay tuned.

Engine Update – September

*** FIXES ***
– Naval AI: Naval maneuver test dialog box is now hidden when the AI wins the test and has to choose Long/Short range
– Aerial Movement : Fixed an error that froze the game when crossing a region with an enemy AA inside a structure (Thanks Paul)
– Land Movement : Fixed an error preventing units from boarding on a naval transport
– Land Movement : Units going out from structure on a region with difficult terrain were not able to move, even if the unit count was below the limit
– Naval Movement : Battle was not possible on a Sea region with income when the region was of the same side as the player
– Movements All : Unit stacks handled by computer (AI) no longer finish their moves on / under player’s unit stack in same region.
– Unit delivery : Fixed issue where loading a save made after unit(s) purchase and before unit delivery would cause the unit(s) not to be delivered
– Reinforcements : Fixed issue that could cause reinforcement units to be duplicated when they replaced another unit located in a structure
– Cards : Fixed bug where virtual artillery units added by cards were active during all subsequent battles

– Battle : Removed confusing battle messages about Leader Loss
– Battle : In Land and Sea Battles, Air Units are now only affected by combat factor modifiers that make sense for them (terrain and entrenchment of the enemy)
– Battle retreat : Units retreating in battle will now choose to retreat in an adjacent region prior to retreating in a fortress (this can be customzied by scenario/era)
– Cards : Improved cards behaviour when they are played by the AI
– Cards : Increased snap distance between the card moved by the user and the card play zone
– Cards : Some scenarios now allow to keep all cards puchased in hand, even if there are more cards than the limit set in the scenario (usually 5). In this case, discard is only done at the end of the Draw Cards game phase
– Aerial Return to Base Movement : Summary window is no longer displayed when computer is playing
– Aerial Movment : Fixed the case where panicked air units would not return immediately to their base after an interception
– Performances : Improved memory management when user goes back to main menu
– Localization : Updated German localization
– UI : When we need to select a stack that is inside a structure, we now only get out of structures units that are in the inside stack, and not all of them
– UI : Stack Selection with restricted domains now filters out units that do no have the good domain. This is useful for mixed stacks that can be found in ports or airports


Derniers tests