Conflict of Heroes : premières images pour Ghost Division

Matrix vient de dévoiler une première extension pour l’adaptation PC de Conflict of Heroes. Nommée Ghost Division, cet add-on proposera au travers de deux campagnes totalisant 10 scénarios de jouer la progression foudroyante de la 7ème Panzer Division et du régiment Grossdeutschland lors de la Blitzkrieg sur le front de l’Est. Autre nouveauté intéressante, le mode multijoueur permettra désormais de jouer intégralement ces campagnes. Enfin cette extension sera aussi compatible avec le prochain Conflict of Heroes – Storm of Steel, autre futur add-on stand alone cette fois, en cours de développement toujours par Western Civilisation Software.

Aucune date de sortie n’a pour l’instant été annoncée mais celle-ci devrait avoir lieu très prochainement. Pour plus d’infos sur Ghost Division, voyez cette page chez Matrix. En complément ne manquez pas non plus notre test de Conflict of Heroes sur PC, ainsi que notre récent dossier sur le jeu de plateau Le Réveil de l’Ours.



Blitzkrieg on the Eastern Front!

Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions is an expansion to the critically acclaimed tactical computer wargame Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear, which is in turn the official adaptation of the award-winning board game by the same name.  Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions adds two exciting new campaigns to Conflict of Heroes as well as full multiplayer support, allowing those campaigns to be played head to head using the integrated multiplayer server.

Army Group Center, under the command of Field Marshal Fedor von Bock, fought a series of pocket battles as it pushed towards Moscow in the summer of 1941.

The Army Group consisted of the 4th Army ( von Kluge ) and the 9th Army (Strauss ) in the center.

The wings of the Army Group were the fast moving armor and motorised units of the two Panzer Groups.  Panzer Group 3 under Hermann Hoth formed the Northern wing.  Panzer Group 2 under Heinz Guderian formed the Southern wing.  The two Panzer Groups smashed through the Russian defenses and performed a series of pincer movements, trapping large groups of enemy forces.

The speed with which these forces moved and the surprise that their appearance created in the enemy often made them seem like ghosts, appearing in areas where no enemies were thought to be to strike suddenly at a flank or encircle a strong position.  Speed, coordination, concentration and combined arms allowed the Wehrmacht to control the initiative and keep the Red Army reeling.

Still, the forces of the Panzer Groups were often stretched thin. Some Soviet units fought to escape, while others fought to open the pockets to save their comrades. Many battles were chaotic and the front lines shifted as the battles evolved. In the end, hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers surrendered, and entire Russian Armies were destroyed.

Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions puts you in command of platoon and company-sized forces from the 7th Panzer Division and the Grossdeutschland Regiment in challenging scenarios that can be played as part of two linked campaigns or as completely stand-alone scenarios.

With new multiplayer campaign support as well as two exciting new campaigns, Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions is a great new add-on for any Conflict of Heroes player.

Please note: Conflict of Heroes: Ghost Divisions REQUIRES ownership of Conflict of Heroes: Awakening the Bear.  It will also work with the upcoming Conflict of Heroes: Storms of Steel.


  1. Intéressante campagne mais je ne pense pas qu’il s’agisse d’autre chose que des scénarios plus ou moins liés.

    Avec storm of steel, on aura par contre du neuf: les avions et des gros combats de char notamment…

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