Les amateurs des wargames de John Tiller et de l’équipe de Wargame Design Studio seront content d’apprendre qu’une belle palette de titres supplémentaires est en cours d’élaboration. En résumé…

Tout d’abord, dans la série Early American Wars, viendra début 2021 une démo couvrant le thème de Custer et de la fameuse bataille de Little Big Horn (comme l’évoque le screenshot en basse résolution en en-tête).

Pour la série Musket & Pike, cinq titres sont en développement, un ou deux d’entre eux devant arriver en 2021.

Un volet supplémentaire de la série Naval Campaigns semble aussi en bonne voie, allant intégrer des améliorations graphiques (ex : meilleur niveau de zoom), qui seront appliquées après au reste de la série.

Le développement de Panzer Battles – Moscow semble bien progresser (voir ces images).

Des patchs importants sont encours d’élaboration pour les séries Panzer Campaigns et Modern Campaigns. En outre la série Panzer Campaigns va accueillir en 2021 un titre supplémentaire, ‘Kiev 43 (voir cette brève). Et deux autres titres non annoncés sont aussi en chantier. A noter que le volet ‘France 40 semble devoir être bientôt patché (voir l’image plus bas, montrant le scénario Dunkerque Pocket).

A voir aussi le montage ci-après montrant la carte d’un futur titre dont la carte sera la plus grande jamais réalisée jusqu’à présent pour la série Panzer Campaigns. Soit concrètement plus de 851 000 hexagones… L’image ci-dessous (la jump map) fournie à titre indicatif pour représenter l’ampleur du chantier couvrant elle quelque chose comme 929 000 hexs.

La série Civil War Battles va profiter d’un ultime titre, sans nom pour l’instant, en plus de mises à jour. Les captures d’écrans suivantes donnent un aperçu de ce que proposera le contenu de ce futur jeu.

Le sujet de la série napoléonienne Napoleonic Battles est lui a priori en suspens actuellement, selon le futur des ventes de ces titres.

Enfin, sans que l’on en sache plus, une nouvelle série de jeux doit aussi voir le jour en 2021.


Panzer Campaigns - France 40 - Dunkerque Pocket - The Miracle of Dunkirk
Dunkerque Pocket – The Miracle of Dunkirk
Panzer Campaigns - Eastern front large
Panzer Campaigns – Eastern front large


John Tiller Software – 2020 Wrap up

As we enter the last 24 hours of 2020 I wanted to get a final shout out to everyone…some news, sneak peaks, and so forth.

Since I already let the cat out of the bag on Facebook, above is a screen shot from the EAW Demo we are working on, covering the battle of the Little Big Horn and Custer’s demise. This is a package put together by Tommy Houston, with graphics by Frank “Old Banshee” Mullins. I’m working on refinements now and hope to have it out sometime in early 2021.

Taking a lead from David, I’ll share a brief snippet of what we have in the works:

We have 5 new titles under development under the Musket & Pike banner… I would expect one or two of them to come out in 2021, but will hold off sharing any titles until it get’s closer.

We also have a new Naval Campaigns game in the works with plans to offer new zoom levels with more detailed graphics to roll out to the rest of the series.

And finally, from my side of the house, we have one new series under development that will likely see the light of day in 2021.

Now, for a far more detailed look into the projects David Freer and the team over at WDS are into you can read his year end update HERE


2020 End of Year Update

Twelve months ago, we mentioned a final Civil War Battles title being worked on by John Ferry. This game has made material progress and despite being the last title in the series it will probably come with more new rules than any that proceeded it. At last count there was already over one-hundred scenarios completed or in testing, with a few more to go. Many of the new rules will allow a range of new situations to be gamed including naval actions, shore bombardments, amphibious operations, and the more normal ground-based combat.

Here are several shots showing a few scenarios in action.

Panzer Campaigns has been a hive of activity and we are extremely fortunate to have three teams that are actively working on games. There are six (!) games currently in various stages of development. A new team member, Daniel Asensio is working in partnership with Cesar on a large Eastern Front title. Dani had done a huge amount of work before approaching the WDS team and is filling a nice gap in the Panzer Campaigns timeline. Mike Prucha and Dave Michas already had their next title mapped out before Scheldt ’44 was completed. Both are real dynamos, with Mike already having much of the order of battle done and David having completed the largest ever standalone Panzer Campaigns map. The map is over 851,000 hexes in size and for comparison, the previous biggest was Moscow ’42 at just under 244,000 hexes. To blow everyone’s mind on the scale, the following image covers 929,000 hexes, so the new map is equivalent to a big hunk of Russia!

Contiguous Eastern Front Maps

It’s early days for Mike and Dave’s next title, but they are not resting on their laurels post Scheldt’44 and the first scenarios are already being created. Expect this to have a range of interesting scenarios and matchups. The team also has an additional title with map work complete and like Scheldt ‘44, it will cover a number of battles that you will rarely see in wargaming.


Derniers tests