Jagged Alliance 3 : patch 1.1 et outils de modifications

Voilà un bon point de plus pour le superbe troisième volet de la série Jagged Alliance. Comme prévu, à quelques jours près, les développeurs ont mis en ligne hier la première partie des outils de modifications du jeu, en parallèle d’un important patch.

Cette boîte à outils offre de nombreuses options, et est accompagnée par trois mods servant d’exemples : un mercenaire basique (peu intéressant en tant que tel, a priori, sauf à le modifier soi-même), une arme supplémentaire (M1A1 Thompson et munitions .45acp allant avec) et une utile opération supplémentaire (fouiller un secteur pour y trouver du matériel). Une documentation accompagne le tout.

Attention, il semble que pour les mods fournis en exemple il y ait un léger délai supplémentaire, et qu’un quatrième mod (celui concernant le personnage principal du jeu) doive arriver ultérieurement cette semaine. Pour l’instant le studio n’a pas mis à jour le workshop de Steam du jeu (voir aussi la page du studio dans le Workshop), et il faut bricoler soi-même pour récupérer les mods servant d’exemples (rien de très compliqué, voir ces explications dans le forum officiel). A terme tout cela devrait être plus simple à utiliser, le but des développeurs étant de faciliter les choses, mais ils disaient encore hier qu’ils doivent peaufiner divers détails. Malgré cette petite confusion, les premiers outils arrivent bien et c’est pour les passionnés un bon signe pour la suite, et plus généralement une bonne nouvelle pour l’ensemble des joueurs qui à terme pourront profiter d’un contenu encore plus varié que celui déjà très riche fourni de base.

Au passage notez que vous trouverez également de nombreux mods par ici chez Nexus Mods.

On retiendra aussi que ce patch ajoute un très utile système de Pause, ce qui était un des défauts agaçant du jeu. En effet, sans cela, lorsque l’on lançait une carte / mission, le jeu était obligatoirement en temps réel, forçant dans certains cas le joueur à devoir cliquer très vite partout pour positionner un minimum correctement ses personnages avant qu’un combat éclate. Dans certaines missions cela n’avait aucune importance, dans d’autres cela pouvait donner un résultat très frustrant.

Ce patch 1.1 ajoute aussi un type d’activité supplémentaire pour les ennemis, à savoir un convoi de matériel / d’armement, que le joueur peut donc intercepter, sur le même principe des convois de diamants, mais pour obtenir ici plus d’équipement. Un ajout probablement utile selon les parties pour varier un peu plus les situations et les ressources disponibles (un autre défaut du jeu, très variable, du fait de l’aspect très aléatoire de ce que l’on peut trouver).

Enfin pour profiter des jolis graphismes, il y a désormais un mode photographie, qui permet donc de réaliser facilement de belles captures d’écrans.

Vous pouvez voir une présentation vidéo des outils de modifications sur la chaîne Twitch de Haemimont Games.

La seconde partie des outils de modification, à savoir les outils qui permettront de créer / modifier des cartes, et de créer des missions, voire en théorie une nouvelle campagne, devrait arriver dans quelques mois.

Si indéniablement le jeu souffre encore de déséquilibrages certains, dans des cas précis (ex : certains choix de gameplay) et souvent de plus aléatoires, il offre néanmoins un très réussi bac à sable mêlant aventure, tactique et stratégie. Ainsi qu’une très importante palette de combinaisons possibles (d’où des déséquilibres et / ou bugs mineurs selon les cas) et une bienvenue dose d’humour en prime.

Pour plus d’informations sur Jagged Alliance 3, voyez cette page sur Steam et le site officiel. Voyez également notre article Jagged Alliance 3 : création de son héros et caractéristiques des commandos (la seconde partie est par ici et la troisième par ici), puis dans nos archives les précédents articles dans lesquels sont résumés d’autres éléments du jeu.

Vous pouvez vous procurer Jagged Alliance 3 à prix réduit grâce à notre partenaire Gamesplanet. Utilisez le code promo “Wargamer” pour un bonus supplémentaire.



Patch 1.1.0 – Modding Tools & Active Pause & More

Hello everyone,
In this patch we are releasing the first stage of our modding support (more details below). The second stage of the modding tools (map and campaign editors) is still in the works and will arrive in a later update.

We have added new popular request features like Active pause and Photo mode. Patch 1.1.0 also includes gameplay tweaks as well as many fixes to mechanics, quests and content.


– Modding Tools – you can access the modding tools from the Main Menu -> Mod Manager -> Mod Editor button. This batch of modding tools allow you to modify the mechanics of the game, create new mercs, IMP characters, weapons, UI, localization and even voiceovers for new languages. You can import assets you have created via our Blender exporter. These include new character models, new weapons, and new game assets.

The documentation will automatically open when you enter the Mod Editor.

– Sample Mods – we have prepared a series of sample mods (available on Steam Workshop) to demonstrate our modding tools. These include:
o a new AIM merc character with new voice lines
o a new weapon (the M1A1 Thompson) using a new caliber the .45 ACP
o a new operation – Scrounge (spend time looking for items)
There is additional information about the sample mods in the documentation.
– Photo Mode – found in the in-game menu. Photo mode offers free camera, a variety of sliders to tweak the picture, and options to hide or show the game UI.

– Active Pause – you can now pause time while exploring tactical maps in real time. This will allow you to better plan your actions and manage stealth approaches without worrying about quick reflexes. By default, tactical pause is set to the Spacebar key on the keyboard. (Community Suggestion)

NOTE: It is impossible to execute multiple attacks at the same time. Any attack will un-pause the game.

– Weapon Shipments – enemies can now send weapons shipments (similar to diamond shipments) that contain weapons, ammo, meds, and parts. Intercept them to gain some extra resources and items. (Community Suggestion).

– Satellite travel speed balancing – Changed the way Leadership affects travel time, resulting in Leadership having less of an impact (Community Suggestion)

– Better initiation of combat start – Reduced the dead time before a battle starts when a merc is detected and added additional notification about ongoing attacks
– Melee attacks AP cost with movement now present the correct AP action cost in the UI
– Fixed a case where mercs without Free Move (due to cumbersome equipment) were able to unlock doors for free using Free Move
– Fixed wrong AP calculations for melee attack related to stairs
– Fixed a number of issues with switching stances and sneaking while moving the mercs around the sector at the same time
– All mercs in a squad can be ordered to move together in real-time exploration by holding down Shift when issuing a move order (Community Suggestion)
– Mercs can now be ordered to walk instead of run while in real-time exploration by holding down Ctrl+Shift when issuing a move order (Community Suggestion)
– Exploding cars and similar objects now have a higher threshold to be set on fire (Community Suggestion)
– The “Explosive Kills” combat task now counts more types of explosions
– Fixed a problem with Refilling meds on some First Aid kits
– Decreased and limited Loyalty gains from trading diamonds
– Allowed combining of items between inventory and the loot containers/sector stash
– Changed how Overwatch interrupts work when affecting units that are leaving cover
– Revolvers now get reduced penalty when targeting body parts like handguns (Community suggestion)
– Hiring, firing, and mercs dying will now cause mercs to reevaluate their hiring conditions
– Weapon reliability effect on Condition is now applied properly when failing a modification
– Units can be interrupted while climbing stairs

– Movement range is properly displayed when stance changes are involved
– Hovering over a timeline event will now show the sector it is related to (Community Suggestion)
– UI tweaks for timelines task rollovers
– Fixed an issue where the level up icons appear behind other icons when hovering over a squad in SatView
– Fixes to widescreen in the PDA
– Adjusted the volume of some UI sound effects
– Fixed squad management in tactical view displaying the wrong stat information sometimes Single valuable items no longer have the Cash stack option in inventory and only the Cash item option
– Sector arrival port selection will no longer appear for dismissed mercs
– Fixed the item combination popup showing the wrong required stat in some cases

– The Repair operations now allows adding items from all squads and the sector stash (Community Suggestion)
– Various fixes to Hospital Treatment activities
– Fixed an issue where the Treat Wounds operation icon disappears before the operation is finished
– Fixed an issue where the Repair items operation icon remains when the operation is interrupted due to lack of parts
– Fixed an issue where removing, adding, and changing Mercs performing an operation caused the operation icon to disappear from the timeline

Mercs & Perks
– Disabled retaliation perks for attacks made from stealth (Community Suggestion)
– Fixed Wolf’s talent not properly updating the duration of training activities
– the +15% crit chance in Vicky’s talent is now properly displayed in the Weapon Rollover
– The “Designer Explosives” and “Natural Healing” will add the produced items in the Sector Stash if the inventory is full. If the items are produced while traveling, the production will be postponed until arriving.
– Fixed an issue where starting combat with Fox firing two pistols sometimes ignored the “Striking Looks” talent
– Fixed an issue where using “Steroid Smash” resulted in Steroid falling through the floor or going through walls
– Fixed the “Claustrophobic” and “Zoophobic” perks where the Morale decrease persisted even after leaving the area (Community Suggestion)
– Fix for Flay’s trophy acquired from killing Bonecrusher not stacking with his other trophies
– Fixed an issue with tracking progress for the “Overwatchmen” achievement
– The “Hot Diamonds” achievement now also activates when you cash in the diamond shipment directly from the loot container
– “True Crit” achievement now unlocks as intended
– The “Martial Artiste” achievement no longer fails by throwing a knife
Quests (Spoilers)
– Fixed several sectors incorrectly remaining in conflict state
– Fixed an issue where auto-resolving would leave fake conflicts that caused some quests to not function properly
– Fixed several bugs with enemies not initiating conflicts correctly
– Fixed some issues with the ending cut scene not recognizing certain outcomes properly or playing two versions of the same event
– Fixed some cases in which the Middle of Nowhere quest could not be completed
– Fixed an issue with Faucheux escaping and then appearing again after the battle
– Fixed an issue where Heinrich’s Golden Watch task can be completed without picking up the watch
– Destroyed interactables (such as the 12 chairs) will no longer show quest icons
– The Siege quest will update properly if you leave the area without talking to Biff
– Fixed some cases where the Beast did not leave the map and you could not talk to her
– Maman will say her intended dialogue lines when Mollie has been returned and when Chimurenga dies
– Fixed a bug that caused Chimurenga to get stuck if his squad is defeated with auto-resolve
– Fixed Fosse Noire mine not icon not changing when Chimurenga recaptures it
– Savegame fix for the remaining missing Chimurenga cases
– Fixed several notes in the Pierre quest line
– Fixed an issue where it was possible to talk to Pierre and free him while the guards are still present
– Fixed some quest items not dropping if their container is destroyed (12 chairs, Heinrich’s watch)
– Lalee won’t comment on Smiley if Smiley is already dead
– Various fixes to the Grimer Hamlet quest
– Fixed an issue that caused the prisoners in the The Good Place to be considered freed regardless of whether they are alive or not
– Various fixes to quest notes (Helping Ernie Village, Karen, Faith Healing, Bastien, Landsback)
– Fixed the Major’s portrait missing in some banters
– Fix for an issue where Boss Blaubert was invulnerable during the fight with Smiley
– Minor changes in the Chalet De La Paix quest scripting
– Fixed an XP exploit in a conversation with Emma
– Fixed a case where Bella was considered killed when only her lovers were killed

– Tweaked the duration on screen of floating texts slightly to accommodate non-English languages
– Fixed being unable to deploy mercs when pressing the Free Aim shortcut
– Fixed losing a couple of minutes of merc contract time when renewing an expired contract
– Fixed a case where Auto-Resolve freezes the game
– Fixed cases of enemies teleporting when becoming suspicious
– Fixed an issue with not being able to issue movement orders after retreating
– Fixed an issue where multiple mercs would talk over each other when their contracts are over
– Changes to how emplacement machine gun firing cones are drawn
– Fixed unintentional camera movement after enemies reposition
– Fixed display issues when changing floors
– Fixed a black screen when skipping the Ernie Island cutscene

– You can now ping positions on the map to your buddy by pressing Ctrl+Left mouse button (Community suggestion)
– Fixed several cases of co-op interruptions done by the other player
– Co-op Ready/Not Ready button will now change color
– Fix a case where a player is sometimes not able to open notes, browser or character screen in Sat View in co-op
– Significant changes to many gamepad controls
– Added an option to hide gamepad hints
– Changed the Combat log position
– It is now possible to change the stat filter in squad management with gamepad
– Fixed cases of virtual mouse cursor stuttering
– Fixed target cycling with gamepad
– D-pad can also be used when choosing an answer in conversations
– Fixed several issues with interactables being unusable with gamepad
– Fixed players being unable to choose arrival destinations of mercs with gamepad
– Updated Grunty’s bio to better reflect his perks
– Improved the message for merc salary increases
– Fixed interactions such as lockpicking/breaking a door incorrectly displaying the “Free Move” text
– Several tutorial hints now disappear properly
– Very Low mishap chance text added


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