Voici un court trailer confirmant le futur retour de Master of Magic sur nos écrans. Il y avait eu un premier écho astral il y a bientôt deux ans, une bagatelle pour un archi-mage jonglant quotidiennement avec la trame de l’éternité, mais vraisemblablement pour le reste des apprentis-sorciers en devenir, soit vous et moi, il va encore falloir patienter un peu pour voir comment Slitherine reformulera ce classique du genre des 4X sur PC. En effet le jeu n’est pas prévu dans notre continuum spatio-temporel avant 2022.
La bande-annonce campant bien l’ambiance, mais ne montrant pas de gameplay, reportez-vous à la courte présentation suivante pour apercevoir une première série de captures d’écrans.
Pour plus d’informations sur Master of Magic, et en prime quelques captures d’écrans, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam.
Home of Wargamers 2021 LIVE+
Epsom, May 11th. Home Of Wargames Live+, Slitherine’s main event of 2021, set the stage for some serious announcements. Four games have been revealed today on Slitherine’s Twitch channel, four titles that will definitely set the pace of the Company’s future months.
“Slitherine is currently investing in more than 15 unannounced projects and has over £10m invested in active development projects. We strive to bring strategy gaming to a wider audience, with a coherent mix of owned IPs and licensed properties. 40 different development studios of varied sizes are contributing to this long-term project, of which today we just unveiled a tiny fraction”, said Iain McNeil, CEO Slitherine.
Master of Magic is an extremely faithful reboot of the original game, with identical gameplay mechanics and the same, overwhelming amount of content, which allowed for endless replayability. The original Master of Magic was published in 1994 and set the rules for the 4X genre. It is still considered – and played – as one of the timeless masterpieces of strategy.
We also gave you a full update on Slitherine Group with our CEO Iain McNeil who talked about 2021 results and figures while our CFO JD McNeil discussed the latest news regarding Slitherine’s PRO segment. We showed you some interesting new features from Command 2.0 and, of course, we gave you an update on our Wargames portfolio.
We dedicated the second part of the event to what we like the most: gameplay.
So, together with our Production Team and Slitherine’s Brand Managers, we watched the first-ever gameplay of Starship Troopers: Terran Command. We also took a look at Warhammer 40.000 Battlesector and our “classic” Distant Worlds 2.We hope you had a great time because we did.
And stay tuned, we still have a lot more to share with you!A huge thanks to all developers whose products were presented at HoW Live+
Black Lab Games
BK Wargames
Campaign Series Legion
Kraken Studios
MuHa Games
Steel Balalaika
The Artistocrats
YobowargamesAnd last but not least, thanks to Slitherine’s team.
It wouldn’t be the “Home” Of Wargamers without you
Au moins, ils n’ont pas mis tout leur argent dans la vidéo de présentation (réalisé par le neveu du développeur on dirait).
Effectivement ils ont dû vouloir mettre l’accent sur le style de l’époque du premier MoM, une sorte clin d’oeil je suppose, mais quand même trop simpliste / caricatural. Peut-être est-ce juste un teaser déguisé, en attendant un “vrai” trailer… Il y aura certainement de meilleures vidéos par la suite.