Men of War 2 repoussé à 2024

En bref. Si vous attendiez ce STR prometteur pour les amateurs du genre, il va vous falloir patienter un peu plus encore. Le studio ukrainien Best Way avait déjà fin 2022 repoussé le jeu à 2023, le jeu aurait dû arriver ce mois-ci, il s’avère que les développeurs ont besoin de plus de temps entre autres pour prendre en compte les retours des joueurs suite à une récente phase bêta, corriger des bugs et refaire des tests.

Pour plus d’informations sur Men of War II, qui sortira on ne sait quand l’an prochain, voyez cette fiche sur Steam.



We simply need more time to fix bugs. Thank you for understanding.

Greetings, Commanders,

After carefully analyzing your feedback, that we’ve gathered throughout public playtests, and running some additional QA rounds, we’ve made a tough decision to postpone the release of Men of War II to next year.

At this point, Men of War II is content and feature complete and includes 3 narrative and 2 historical campaigns, Conquest and Raid dynamic campaigns, each playable in 4 variations of competing nations, 15 PvP and 8 PvE multiplayer modes with over 20 maps and more. The dev team has been working tirelessly, but it’s a lot of content and features to polish, especially given that BestWay employees have to deal with difficult conditions in their home country of Ukraine. We simply need more time to fix bugs before we release the game. Thank you so much for understanding and for your continuous support of Men of War II !

Maxim Kamensky, Producer of Men of War II at Best Way, explains:
“We loved working with our dedicated community of fans during multiple Playtests and we gathered immense amounts of data and feedback. In fact, we received so many great suggestions we decided to implement, that the original schedule did not allow us to iron out all the bugs and issues in time for the September release. We feel that our fans deserve to receive a game in a completely polished and bug-free state and ask them for just a little more patience to allow us to deliver such a high quality product.”

We at FULQRUM Publishing would like to thank you all for taking part in the playtests, and for all the valuable feedback that you’ve shared.

In the meantime, we cordially invite you to join the official Men of War II Discord server if you’d like to be among the first to learn all news and chat with us, we always try to answer all questions we can there (or here in the Steam Discussions as well).

We will see you on the battlefield soon.


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