En bref. JTS annonce avoir terminé une longue série d’updates pour sa série de quatorze wargames simulant les grandes batailles napoléoniennes. Mises à jour qui corrigent et / ou améliorent divers aspects de chaque titre. Voyez le communiqué suivant ou les changelogs directement sur la page de téléchargement chez l’éditeur. Ou essayez la démo Napoleonic Battles: The Final Struggle, elle aussi mise à jour et disponible par ici.
En parallèle Musket & Pike: Seven Years War (voir cet article) a aussi bénéficié d’un patch important, améliorant le moteur de jeu ainsi que les graphismes en 2D et en 3D.
Un bon point supplémentaire pour ces jeux certes anciens mais qui continuent de relativement se bonifier.
Pour plus d’informations sur la série Napoleonic Battles, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur. Ainsi que notre article Napoleonic Battles – Campaign Jena-Auerstedt : la campagne de Prusse de 1806. Concernant Musket & Pike, voyez de ce coté.
JTS – Game Updates and website change
The last 60 days have been very busy around here… and tonight we are pleased to announce that we have completed the roll out of all the updates for the Napoleonic series. All 14 games + the Demo are now on the same level of engine & 2D graphics. Additionally, 4 titles have the new style 3D maps available for them. You can grab these robust updates for free for any title you own on the Updates page.
An example of what you can expect from these updates using Leipzig as an guide:
Changes for Campaign Leipzig V1.06
– Updated 2D graphics by David Freer, Steve Trauth
– New 3D maps can be added into the \Maps sub-folder.
– Melee across a hexside results in the same Melee penalty as Disorder.
– Units defending in Melee fire at 100% fire.
– No Detached Melee optional rule introduced.
– Movement Threat Disorder optional rule introduced.
– Added button to return to Default on the Optional Rules Dialog.
– Added “True” 2D zoom view
– Added 11 new 2D icons to more easily differentiate unit types
– A/I adjustments to path finding, target acquisition, stacking etc.
– Changed the way Division Colors display on the counters.
– New Movement Threat Disorder optional rule.
– Additional design documentation added to the \Notes sub-folder
– PDT file changes: Weapons standardization.
– Weapons.dat changes: New weapons.If you really like the new style 3D maps and would like to see them in the remaining Napoleonic games please respond to this message and let us know.
Seven Years War update
We have also just released another major update to the second title in the Musket & Pike series – The Seven Years War. Just a few months ago we released the expansion package adding in a new campaign with multiple battles, a large batch of company level scenarios covering a large variety of actions from various world-wide fronts on the SYW as well as some large hypothetical scenarios. With this new 1.04 update we roll out new engine changes, new 2D enhancements as well as 3D graphics!
You can also grab this from our Updates page.
Website Changes
And finally, we wanted to make everyone aware that we will be changing web hosting providers on Saturday night, likely starting about 9 pm EST here in the US. Generally there is about a 4 hour window until all the DNS records are updated and the site will start routing properly. This also impacts email. During this transition you can use our Mirror site for normal website access: http://jtsmirror.com/
Additionally our Store – https://john-tiller-software.myshopify.com/ – will be unaffected, as it is hosted on a separate service.
If you send an email or submit a support request via our Support Form and do not receive a response by the end of the weekend please feel free to send it again…we’ll make every effort to not loose any communications, but you never know.