Matrix confirme que le nouveau jeu d’Ageod consacré aux campagnes de Napoléon est disponible. Pour l’occasion voici une bande-annonce récapitulant l’essentiel. Toutefois, pour en découvrir plus sur Wars of Napoleon, sachez que après avoir récemment présenté la carte et les unités Ageod a aussi mis en ligne il y a quelques jours la suite de la présentation des mécanismes du jeu. Au programme de ces cinq vidéos dont je vous mets la playlist ci-dessous, mais que vous retrouverez si besoin par ici sur Youtube, vidéos uniquement en anglais précisons-le, gestion des armées, tactiques, logistique ou encore la chaine de commandement.
Pour plus d’informations sur Wars of Napoleon, disponible aussi dans notre boutique, voyez cette fiche chez Ageod.
Rise of an Imperial Eagle
Wars of Napoleon is releasing today!Epsom, UK – December 03, 2015.
“The art of war is to gain time when your strength is inferior” (Napoleon)Some call him The Little Corporal, others That Corsican Ogre. In any case Napoleon is an historical figure that divides opinion. Feared by his enemies and glorified by his soldiers, he was one of few men able to change the destiny of an entire continent. Eight years after Napoleon’s Campaigns, Ageod again follows in the footsteps of the famous emperor with a very ambitious wargame: Wars of Napoleon.
Featuring iconic battles like Austerlitz and Waterloo, the game also offers a gigantic Grand Campaign covering more than 10 years of war. At the head of one of the seven major nations available, players will have to take the right military and political decisions to dominate most of Europe… or thwart the hegemonic plan of Napoleon. Managing armies fighting miles away on several fronts requires a lot of planning and great organizing skills. Only the leaders able to build a consistent logistics network and chain of command may hope to keep their men motivated.
Wars of Napoleon – Launch TrailerAs usual with Ageod productions, the level of detail is impressive. With more than 300 different uniforms from accurate sources, 400 portraits of generals of the period and many historical events popping up, playing Wars of Napoleon is like seeing history appear before your eyes. Also in order to spice up the gameplay, players can enable some what-if situations to change the balance of powers between nations. Just imagine the consequences of the USA declaring war to Great-Britain in 1812!
And tonight, on December 03, 20.00 (CET), we are going to give players a sneak peak of the game on the official Twitch channel of the Slitherine Group!