Voici un trailer récapitulant ce que vous propose, à partir d’aujourd’hui, la dernière extension de BSG Deadlock. DLC qui en résumé ajoute une nouvelle campagne offrant une course contre la montre au travers de huit missions, ultime affrontement devant mettre un terme à la Première Guerre Cylon.
Ultime DLC qui est aussi accompagné par un plus petit add-on intitulé Modern Ships, proposant lui des vaisseaux supplémentaires.
Au passage les développeurs de Black Lab remercient tous les fans du jeu et de l’univers de Galactica qui les ont soutenu ces cinq dernières années.
Et vous trouverez aussi dans ce dev diary diverses précisions sur les ajouts du dernier Daybreak update (en résumé : This update has a plethora of new features. It includes Photo Mode, so you can indulge your inner war correspondent; 3 new modes for skirmish and multiplayer (Demolition, Extraction, and Propaganda – the existing PvP mode has been renamed Annihilation), as well as support for larger fleets in skirmish, multiplayer and Anabasis – 12K or 16K with 10 ships on PC, 12K with 8 ships on consoles). Patch dont le changelog est lui par ici dans le forum officiel.
Pour plus d’informations sur Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Armistice, voyez cette page sur Steam ou cette fiche chez Slitherine. Concernant le Modern Ships Pack, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ou cette page chez l’éditeur.
A lire également notre article Battlestar Galactica – Deadlock : les toasters contre-attaquent, ou encore BSG – Deadlock : l’offensive Ghost Fleet met les grille-pains sur le gril !, BSG Deadlock – Broken Alliance : dans l’espace personne ne vous entend griller et BSG Deadlock : Anabasis et Sin and Sacrifice, conclusion en beauté de la première saison.

Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock ends today with the last two DLCs
All good things come to an end: Season 2 of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock ends today with the last two DLCs, Armistice and Modern Ships Pack.
This is the end of a long voyage for Black Lab Games. They embarked on a long voyage years ago, and set themselves an ambitious goal: to tell the story of the First Cylon War in the best Battlestar Galactica game on the market.
In 2017 they released Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, recognized by fans as one of the best Battlestar Galactica experiences on PC.
Now, two seasons and many DLCs later, we are about to witness the end of the war.
The last DLCs
Armistice is an explosive 8-mission story campaign that brings Season Two of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock to a thrilling conclusion! Unravel Clothos’ plot for dominion, and take part in the legendary Operation Raptor Talon.
From the behemoth Mercury class battlestar, to the iconic Modern Basestar, the Modern Ships Pack contains six ships of the modern era of Battlestar Galactica. These ships can be used in Skirmish, Multiplayer and Anabasis.
Contextually, today we release the free Daybreak Update, the last of a series of free updates through which Black Lab Games greatly improved and expanded the game since release. You can learn more about the Daybreak Update here.
That’s not all: Black Lab Games have a special message for all their fans, old and new.
A special message from the Devs
Last but not least, in order to celebrate the end of a saga we have decided to discount Battlestar Galactica Deadlock and its DLCs. Starting today, for one week, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock will be discounted at 65% off while the DLCs (minus Armistice and Modern Ships Pack) at 30% off.
You can find the discount here.