Ghost Fleet Offensive, prochain DLC pour Battlestar Galactica – Deadlock

Les amis des grille-pains seront heureux de savoir que ces maudits robots psychopathes n’ont pas encore dit leur dernier mot dernière ligne de code. En effet Slitherine vient de dévoiler une future sixième extension pour ce joli jeu de batailles spatiales, DLC qui proposera une campagne supplémentaire sur le sujet du péril mortel menaçant les Douze colonies. Danger imminent face auquel quelqu’un va bien devoir intervenir, ni plus ni moins qu’en se rendant derrière les lignes de l’ennemi pour lui porter un coup fatidique. Et bien devinez qui a été choisi pour cette mission désespérée glorieuse … Oui, c’est bien de vous qu’il s’agit. Préparez-vous, les robots ne dorment pas, eux.

Plus prosaïquement, au programme en plus d’une dizaine de scénarios, trois nouveaux vaisseaux, deux pour les coloniaux, un pour les cylons, puis de nouvelles munitions chez l’ennemi, grappes de missiles nucléaires et mines à virus, le tout allant être accompagné d’une importante mise à jour ajoutant de nouvelles fonctionnalités au jeu, en plus d’améliorer le gameplay.

Pour plus d’informations sur Battlestar Galactica Deadlock: Ghost Fleet Offensive, dont la date de sortie n’est pas encore connue, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam.

Puis notre article Battlestar Galactica – Deadlock : les toasters contre-attaquent, puis éventuellement BSG Deadlock – Broken Alliance : dans l’espace personne ne vous entend griller et BSG Deadlock : Anabasis et Sin and Sacrifice, conclusion en beauté de la première saison.

Au passage ajoutons que pour les passionnés de Battlestar Galactica, mais préférant les batailles sur tables plutôt que sur un écran, ne manquez pas de découvrir le Battlestar Galactica : Starship Battles – Starter Set. Que vous pouvez voir en détail dans la vidéo suivante de Monsieur Miniatures.



The Ghost Fleet is about to strike! New DLC for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock announced

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is back with a new DLC, Ghost Fleet Offensive.

With a new campaign, new ships, and munition types, Ghost Fleet Offensive will continue Battlestar Galactica Deadlock’s Season 2.

Take initiative and bring the fight to the toasters in the new Ghost Fleet Offensive campaign, where you will be striking from the shadows and hitting hard behind enemy lines.

The DLC will be accompanied by a free update called Fleet Admiral Update, downloadable for free by all the owners of Battlestar Galactica Deadlock.

Ghost Fleet Offensive and the Fleet Admiral Update are due out on PC on February 25th, and it will be released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 a few weeks later.

New Campaign

Ghost Fleet Offensive is a brand new 10-mission story campaign. Relive the infamous Ghost Fleet Offensive, strike behind enemy lines and turn the tide of the war for the Twelve Colonies.

New ships

Colonial Orion – Recon Frigate

A light frigate equipped with an experimental suite of ECM jamming and stealth technologies. Able to protect itself from hostile DRADIS sensors, the Orion can lay in wait, maneuver for the perfect torpedo angle, and then speed away while its stealth battery recharges.

Colonial Defender – Support Specialist

A support ship of Gemenese origin, the Defender is a mobile marine detachment platform. The Raptors from the Defender can both bolster the marine defense of friendly ships that have been boarded, and provide technical support to boost the strength of ally subsystems.

Based on the ship design and used with permission of Todd Boyce.

Cylon Medusa – Central Command

A technologically advanced command ship lined with point defense cannons, and capable of overclocking the subsystems of multiple ships with its advanced transmission arrays. The Medusa pushes the capabilities of Cylon technology to its very limits.

New Cylon Munitions

Cylon Cluster Nukes – A devastating multi-missile system capable of striking six individual targets with high yield nuclear warheads.

Cylon Virus Mines – A short-range ECM field generator that both hacks the subsystems of hostile ships, and compromises enemy squadrons.

Ghost Fleet Offensive will be accompanied by a new free update, called the Fleet Admiral Update.

The Fleet Admiral Update contains a plethora of new features and improvements, including:

– Fleet Admiralty Difficulty – For the ultimate challenge against Cylon Command.
– Updated officer profiles – All new artwork for your flagship officers .
– UI enhancements – More QoL improvements to the UI, including additional information tooltips, double-click to select all ships of the same type, more squadron groups, and more.
– Cinematics Browser – Replay any intro or outro cinematic you’ve unlocked.
– Select flagship – Select the ship in any campaign fleet you want as flagship, to get the most of your officer bonuses.
– New Loading Screens – Five new gorgeous loading screens.
– And more…


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