Voici aujourd’hui non pas une mais trois extensions pour Panzer Corps. Intitulées US Corps et se déclinant chacune sur une année et un théâtre d’opération précis de 39-45, ces trois lots de scénarios ajoutent chacun une bonne quinzaine de scénarios, jouables individuellement ou en campagne (avec donc conservation des principales unités de vos armées entre chaque bataille). Scénarios qui vous emmèneront ainsi respectivement en 1942 en Afrique du nord, en 1943 en Sicile et en Italie, et en 1944-45 en Normandie, dans les Ardennes puis en Allemagne (y compris avec un What if sur un affrontement entre URSS et USA après la chute de Berlin), où vous dirigerez les forces américaines durant leur longue reconquête de la Méditerranée et de l’Europe de l’ouest.

Pour plus d’informations sur ces trois DLC, screenshots et liste des scénarios, voyez les liens suivants :

Panzer Corps: U.S. Corps ’42 : fiche sur Steam, fiche chez Matrix
Panzer Corps: U.S. Corps ’43 : fiche sur Steam, fiche chez Matrix
Panzer Corps: U.S. Corps ’44-’45 : fiche sur Steam, fiche chez Matrix

Pour plus d’informations sur Panzer Corps voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam. A lire aussi en complément nos précédents articles sur cette série : Test de Panzer Corps – Soviet Corps, Test de Panzer Corps : Operation Sea Lion, Panzer Corps – Werhmacht, le retour de Panzer General, Test de Panzer Corps : Afrika Korps, Test de Panzer Corps : Allied Corps, Panzer Corps 45 East & West : le crépuscule de l’Allemagne, Panzer Corps : aperçu du DLC Grand Campaign ’42, ou encore notre test de Panzer Corps sur iPad.


Panzer Corps: US Corps is out now!

Epsom, UK – May 26, 2016.
“May God have mercy upon my enemies, because I won’t.” – General George Patton

All-time classic Panzer Corps (80 Metascore, 94% of positive reviews on Steam) is coming back with three new expansions. Each one has its own unique theatre of operations and scenarios, but all linked in  a colossal branching campaign with complete unit carry over!

In U.S. Corps ’42 players start with “Operation Torch” where brave but inexperienced American “rookies” land in the sands of North Africa and join their allies.

They must take the lead on several actions against the French command in Morocco and Algeria and then head eastwards, where they will face the remnants of the Italo-German army in Tunisia in a total of 16 different scenarios.

The second expansion begins the year after. In U.S. Corps ‘43 the player’s goal is to liberate Sicily and use it as base from where to land on mainland Italy.

The Allies have to overcome the resistance of the fascist army and open the road to Rome during another new set of 16 scenarios.

The Corps will finally gain access to the “soft underbelly of Europe” and be prepared for the final campaign.

In the third and final instalment of the mega campaign, U.S. Corps ’44 – ‘45, players lead the largest amphibious invasion in history, and with it, the Battle of Normandy.

The plan is to land on several beaches in northern France, then to push east towards Berlin and finally put an end to the war for a total of 18 original scenarios!

Also tonight, on May 26, 20.00 (CEST), we are going to give players a sneak peek of the game on the official Twitch channel of the Slitherine Group!

Keep ’em firing… Together we can do it!

Slitherine is part of the Slitherine Group

About the Slitherine Group
The Slitherine Group is the world’s leading producer and publisher of digital wargames and strategy games. Under the Slitherine (www.slitherine.com), Matrix Games (www.matrixgames.com) and Ageod (www.ageod.com) brands it has published literally hundreds of games, with many award-winning titles in its portfolio and spanning all digital platforms, from home consoles to modern Smartphone’s and Tablets. Slitherine is also involved with book publishing, board gaming and works with a wide array of key licensing partners, such as HISTORY®, MILITARY HISTORY®, Games Workshop®, Horrible Histories™, Showtime, BBC, Osprey, Scholastic, Buzz Aldrin Enterprises and many others to deliver the best blend of historical accuracy in an exciting and entertaining way. Together the Group companies form the world’s largest organization specializing in this important and vibrant niche. The Slitherine Group’s mission over the coming years is to lead the way in innovation and growth in an ever expanding segment of the entertainment industry.

About Auroch Digital
Auroch Digital is the acclaimed and multiple award-nominated Bristol-based games studio, founded by veteran game designer Dr. Tomas Rawlings. For more information, visit aurochdigital.com, follow on twitter.com/AurochDigital, facebook.com/AurochDigital


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