Field of Glory – Empires : sortie et nouvelles vidéos

En bref. Slitherine confirme la sortie aujourd’hui de ce prometteur jeu mariant la série Field of Glory et la logique des wargames d’Ageod, jeu de grande stratégie qui offre donc une simulation pointue mais néanmoins ludique de cinq siècles d’histoire et de guerres autour de la Méditerranée.

Et en prime une compatibilité avec le très réussi Field of Glory II, permettant si on le souhaite d’exporter toute bataille depuis l’échelle stratégique vers la dimension purement tactique. Exportation complètement optionnelle, rappelons-le, le système de résolution des batailles dans Field of Glory – Empires étant, certes moins précis évidemment mais plus rapide à jouer, et surtout de base déjà très satisfaisant.

Pour plus d’informations sur Field of Glory – Empires, en attendant notre prochain test, voyez la récente série de vidéos suivantes, expliquant les principaux mécanismes, puis cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam. A lire également nos récents aperçus : Premiers pas dans Field of Glory -Empires. puis Second pas dans Field of Glory – Empires, première partieseconde partie. Et notre AAR Les Guerres des Gaules, première partie, deuxième partie.

Concernant Field of Glory 2, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-là sur Steam. A lire en complément notre AAR sur la bataille d’Alésia, puis ce récit de partie sur la bataille de Marathon, cet AAR sur une bataille rapide prenant pour cadre César en Britannia, ou ce précédent récit de partie sur la bataille de Larissa. Et bien entendu notre test.



Field of Glory: Empires is out

The day has come! Today you’ll have the opportunity to get one of the most anticipated strategy games, set in the Ancient Era. Today is Field of Glory: Empires day!

Choose one from among 77 civilizations of that time and be prepared for the greatest challenge ever made: to preserve and to enrich the Culture of your Civilization, making your Legacy stand for centuries.

For you willing to have direct control over specific battles, if you own Field of Glory 2, you can import tactical battles from Empires into FOG2 and vice versa. We have set up a Field of Glory Masters Edition. This edition is a bundle including FOG2 and FOG Empires 25% discounted. This means:

– If you already have FOG2 in your library, you can buy FOG Empires at 25% off, and viceversa

– If you want to buy both, the cumulated price for FOG2 and Fog Empires is 25% discounted

The Masters Edition is available only on Steam

For you willing to have direct control over specific battles, if you own Field of Glory 2, you can import tactical battles from Empires into FOG2 and vice versa. We have set up a Field of Glory Masters Edition. This edition is a bundle including FOG2 and FOG Empires 25% discounted. This means:

– If you already have FOG2 in your library, you can buy FOG Empires at 25% off, and viceversa

– If you want to buy both, the cumulated price for FOG2 and Fog Empires is 25% discounted

The Masters Edition is available only on Steam

Field of Glory: Empires Tutorials – Diplomacy and the State

Hi everybody!

Field of Glory: Empires is releasing tomorrow! Are you excited? We have two more Tutorial Videos to introduce, covering Diplomacy and The State.

As for the previews videos, DasTactic will be your Virgil through all of the key elements you’ll need to know.

Diplomacy is a relatively straightforward but nonetheless crucial mechanic to keep a balance of power among your enemies and allies alike.

The State is about knowing the nation modifiers, traits, rulers and government types.

Field of Glory: Empires Tutorials – Battles and Regions

Hi everybody!

Only few days from the release of Field of Glory: Empires, time to focus on two important mechanics in the game, introduced and explained by DasTactic.

Battles play a fundamental part in the Empires and learning concepts as frontage, ranged phase, garrison troops will be crucial for success. Without mentioning the integration with FOG2!

Regions are your basic administrative entity. They constitute the foundations and the starting point for many Civilization in Empires. Every ruler worth of this title must be aware of all the potential boosts that a good Regions management could unlock.

Field of Glory: Empires Tutorials – Military Operations

Field of Glory: Empires is nearing!

One of the key features crucial to master is how to conduct Military Operations, so we have prepared a brief but highly detailed Tutorial Video covering all of it with an excellent teacher, DasTactic!

Learn how to recruit units, to employ generals, how the terrain impacts your movements, which stats affect what, and much more!