Mises à jour pour la série Squad Battles

En bref. Bonne nouvelle pour les amateurs de wargames tactiques, cette bien connue série signée John Tiller, anciennement sortie chez HPS, a bénéficié fin octobre d’un patch pour chacun des seize titres existants. Mises à jour réalisées par WDS, comme ce fut le cas pour les versions Gold des Panzer Campaigns depuis l’an dernier.

Au menu, un éditeur de cartes, des graphismes 2D / 3D améliorés, ou encore des corrections dans divers scénarios. Voyez les différents changelogs par ici pour plus de précisions selon les jeux concernés.

Pour plus d’informations sur la série Squad Battles, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur.

A lire si besoin en complément sur cette série nos articles suivants :




2019 End of Year Update – Part One

Hi All,

Looking over the past year, we have been a little ‘irregular’ in keeping you up to date with what we’ve been working on. To remedy that we’re going to give a year-end update spread over the next couple of blog posts. Today’s post will cover updates and upgrades.

Looking back at what has been achieved this year has been pretty crazy. Working closely with the John Tiller Software (JTS) team, it was decided to update the whole of John’s catalog with improvements to code, graphics and where possible new content.

This process was started back in December 2017 with the first Panzer Campaigns Gold release for Smolensk ’41. All the Eastern Front games were well advanced, and those titles were all updated by March 2018.

The first round of Civil War Battles updates was also released in June 2018 with three titles bought onto the newly released Campaign Petersburg code base. New features included all new hand painted maps, 3D units and an overall graphical improvement.

We had a hiatus for the remainder of 2018 as the focus moved to new titles with Panzer Battles North Africa 1941, Japan ’45 and the massively expanded France ’40 taking precedence.

With the end of 2018 and the release of the latest Panzer Battles title behind us we were able to focus on getting further upgrades out again. Wargame Design Studio (WDS) focused on Panzer Campaigns, Panzer Battles and the Civil War Battles set. Rich Hamilton at JTS coordinated the remaining game series.

At WDS we managed to release the remaining ten Western and Mediterranean Panzer Campaign titles updated to Gold status. There were also ten Civil War Battle titles to be updated and all have now been released. A lot of credit to the Old Banshee team led by Frank Mullins for the huge effort required to update all the artwork. Another unsung hero was John Ferry who volunteered to (without truly knowing!) update every order of battle in every game to allow the new regimental artwork to appear in all its glory. The WDS team also managed to update all four (including the Demo) of the Panzer Battles titles with all the new features that were included in North Africa as well as new content.

The JTS team have not languished this year either. In just the last month, updates for the Early American Wars and Squad Battles series have been released.

Early American Wars saw all four games; Campaign 1776, The War of 1812, The French & Indian Wars and Mexican American War receive a complete overhaul. A lot of new content was added including new scenarios, code changes, new 2D graphics by Christopher Osterlund as well as Frank Mullin’s painted 3D maps.

Below are a few in game shots (all following shots can be clicked for full size);

Squad Battles was a huge undertaking with all sixteen (!!) titles updated at once. Mike Amos did sterling work upgrading all the 2D & 3D graphics as well as including Ed Pacito (Richie61) top down artwork. This was all a huge amount of work considering the breadth of periods these games cover.

Here is a selection of shots from a few games;

You can get all the aforementioned updates including the newly released Early American Wars and Squad Battles updates from the JTS site here; JTS Updates Link

  1. “un éditeur de cartes”… Mais, mais… c’est plus qu’une mise à jour, c’est carrément révolutionnaire ! De deux choses l’une, soit la maison va faire faillite, soit il se prépare un remue-ménage d’enfer et autant dire que cette seconde hypothèse serait la bienvenue. D’ici là, ça donne envie de réinstaller quelques vieilleries, pour voir !

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