Persia, premier DLC pour Field of Glory – Empires

En bref. Slitherine confirme que la première extension sur le thème du puissant empire Perse dans Field of Glory – Empires est disponible à partir d’aujourd’hui. Pour vous faire une idée des changements amenés par cet add-on, voyez dans le communiqué suivant les liens vers trois articles se focalisant sur Athènes, Sparte, et bien sûr la Perse elle-même. Ou également la récente longue vidéo de gameplay ci-dessous.

Pour plus d’informations sur Field of Glory – Empires – Persia, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam.

Concernant Field of Glory – Empires, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur ou celle-ci sur Steam, puis notre article Field of Glory – Empires : veni, vidi, ludi ! Ou encore ce dossier Field of Glory – Empires : trucs et astuces et ce précédent AAR Les guerres des Gaules dans Field of Glory – Empires (3).



Field of Glory: Empires first DLC, Persia 550 – 330 BCE, is now available

With Field of Glory: Empires, players conquered the Mediterranean in the Roman era. Now, it’s time to travel further back into the past. Slitherine and AGEOD’s 4X Grand Strategy game, given a “Very Positive” rating by players on Steam, is releasing its very first DLC today, on May 21st: Persia 550-330 BCE will transport players to the era of Persia’s lightning-fast ascension from a humble kingdom to one of the largest empires history has ever known.

Like Cyrus the Great, players will overthrow their powerful neighbours: Media, ancient Babylon with her mighty cities, and Lydia, with riches beyond any wildest dream. Not far from Persia, Athens and Sparta are vying for supremacy over the Hellenic world – soon, the Achaemenid Empire will be on a collision course with the Greeks.

Players wishing to take on the ultimate challenge can start as an unknown underdog, maybe a modest Italian city or the newly founded Carthage, still far from being the vast Empire seen in the original game, forging their rise to glory from even the lowliest of beginnings.

Published in July 2019, Field of Glory: Empires is a deeply intricate Grand Strategy game set in the Mediterranean’s Classical Age. The player rules one of the 70+ factions present in the game, from the mighty Rome, Macedonia, or Carthage to the tiny Etruscii, Nabatene or Britonae.

Whichever faction they choose, the player can lead it to conquer the known world, building cities, studying new technologies, and fighting enemies from across antiquity. Field of Glory: Empires is distinct in the genre because of features like “decadence”, undermining even the greatest empire, or the ability to export battles to fight tactically in Field of Glory II, Slitherine’s battle simulator.

Each nation will have a new set of tools to further its goals, and distinct regional decisions particular to each faction. Persia, Athens and Sparta have their own individual choices to make.

Special natural sites can creatively hamper development until the player fixes the issue, whilst boons are the more positive opposite of these impediments – they’re rarer, but make certain regions even more unique.

Do not expect to play Persia as you play Athens or Lydia. Each will play differently, from events, missions and national modifiers to special units and specific buildings.

As in Field of Glory: Empires, players will be able to export their battles to the wargame simulator Field of Glory II and fight them with the deeper, tactical engine.


Focus Faction: Sparta

Focus Faction: Athens

Focus Faction: Persia


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