Rendez-vous fin janvier pour Order of Battle – Allies Defiant

Matrix a dévoilé il y a peu le futur premier volet d’une nouvelle trilogie de DLC pour Order of Battle. Celle-ci abordera le thème des Alliés, et commencera par certaines des principales batailles ayant eu lieu entre 1940 et 1942, en Europe et en Afrique du nord ce via dix scénarios : Trondheim, Lowlands, Dunkirk, Compass, Beda Fomm, Matapan, Greece, Bomb Alley, Crusader, Gazala.

Pour plus d’informations sur Order of Battle – Allies Defiant, dont la sortie devrait avoir lieu le 28 janvier prochain, voyez cette page chez l’éditeur, ou cette fiche sur Steam. Une phase bêta est accessible en s’inscrivant par ici.

Concernant Order of Battle – World War II, voyez cette fiche sur Steam ainsi que l’ensemble de nos tests et notre guide des extensions. A lire en complément notre article Blanc et rouge, un AAR pour Order of Battle. Ou encore précédemment ces autres récits de parties : Order of Battle – Blitzkrieg : assaut à l’ouest et Order of Battle – Winter War : un drink pour Mr Molotov.



Order of Battle: Allies Defiant – Announced

Order of Battle is getting a new trilogy of DLCs that depicts World War 2 from the Allied perspective. Allies Defiant, the first chapter, deals primarily with the British involvement in battles across Europe, the Mediterranean and North Africa from spring 1940 to late 1942.

Allies Defiant will be released on January 28th. We are currently looking for beta testers willing to provide us with feedback and criticism on the new campaign. If you would like to take part in it, please sign up here.

In the first battle the player takes command of British units deployed to Norway, but as the war intensifies on the Western Front in May 1940, the next two scenarios feature defensive battles in Belgium and France.

Afterwards the campaign moves to North Africa, where British forces battle Axis troops in Egypt and Libya. In spring 1941 the player gets to fight the crucial naval battle at Cape Matapan in the Mediterranean Sea, before they are reassigned to participate in the defence of Greece.

The last stage of Allies Defiant focuses again on the desert war, which changed dramatically with the arrival of Rommel’s Afrikakorps. Since the Desert Fox managed to drive the Allies back into Egypt in 1942, the player has to deplete enemy offensive strength before he can finally resume offensive operations themselves. Allowing them to deal Axis forces a decisive defeat at El Alamein.



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