Warhammer 40 000 – Gladius : les T’au resserrent les rangs

Ce 4X allégé sur le thème de Warhammer 40 000 s’étoffe encore un peu plus aujourd’hui avec l’arrivée d’une septième faction : les T’au. Jeune race dans le vieil univers du jeu qui elle aussi lutte âprement pour sa survie, mais aussi pour répandre la bonne parole du Bien suprême. Fusse si besoin à grands renforts d’exo-armures ultra-technologiques, de drones de soutien et de meurtrières salves d’armes à impulsion, à ion, à plasma ou encore à fusion, par exemple.

Au programme, essentiellement une trentaine d’unités diverses et variées, plus la possibilité de recruter des alliés locaux (ex : convertir une meute de Kroot) ou d’utiliser la propagande pour effectuer des tentatives de subversion contre les villes ennemies.

Pour plus d’informations sur Warhammer 40 000 : Gladius – T’au, voyez cette page sur Steam. Concernant Warhammer 40 000 : Gladius – Relics of War, voyez cette fiche ou celle-là sur Steam. A lire en complément notre test ainsi que ce dossier sur les unités des Space Marines. Ou aussi notre article Warhammer 40 000 Gladius – Tyranids : la ménagerie des horreurs ainsi que ce récit de partie Warhammer 40 000 Gladius – Tyranids : sur Gladius, personne ne vous entend prier (la seconde partie étant par ici).



Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – The T’au DLC is OUT!

Never have the T’au been so close to extinction. Your homeworlds are surrounded. The Swarm, the machines, the barbaric humans. To ensure the survival of the T’au, The Fourth Expansion was launched to claim rich new worlds. Yet the warp swallowed the T’au. Your ship emerged alone near a war-ravaged, alien planet. This was not the paradise promised. But you will conquer it. For the T’au, for the Greater Good.

After the Chaos Space Marines and Tyranids DLCs, a new faction joins the fight for the domination of Gladius Prime. Driven by a constant ambition to expand and spread the word of the Greater Good across the Galaxy, they will seek to assimilate or eliminate all the other opposition races on the planet.

With 31 new units, the T’au can deploy an impressive and lethal army. Between swarms of drones and powerful battlesuits, the T’au player will never have a shortage of tactical options. The T’au warfare doctrine has been carefully represented in Gladius. Their army is a ranged-based force relying on superior technology and devastating firepower. Through subversion, propaganda and assimilation of the indigenous lifeforms, they can find new allies and completely disrupt the enemy morale, paving the way for planetary conquest.

The T’au DLC for Warhammer 40,000: Gladius is out now on PC.

The T’au arsenal

Convert Auxiliaries
One of the most powerful weapons of the T’au is their ability to seek new allies. They can spend influence to convert certain neutral units like Kroot Hounds and the brand new Vespid Stingwing to their cause.

For the Greater Good
The core philosophical concept at the heart of the T’au. Demoralize your opponents and destroy their units’ morale by spending influence. Proselytize and immediately gain population in your cities.

Turn your enemies’ servants against their masters. Through precise use of propaganda, you will be able to cripple the loyalty of enemy cities.

A T’au Battlesuit is an advanced powered combat exoskeleton that forms an integral part of the T’au Fire Caste’s military forces. Customize them by upgrading with advanced support systems.

Drones and Markerlights
Deploy many different designs of drones, miracles of T’au technology that provide offensive, defensive and tactical support. Make use of Markerlights to maximize your firepower.


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