Axis Operations 1946, futur DLC pour Panzer Corps 2

Slitherine confirme aujourd’hui qu’il y aura bien un ultime chapitre supplémentaire à la série d’extensions Axis Operations. Comme le titre l’indique, il se focalisera sur l’année 1946 pour laquelle il proposera une campagne hypothétique de pas moins de 30 scénarios prenant pour cadre les cotes Est et Ouest des USA. La dimension navale sera importante, certaines unités allant bénéficier de meilleurs graphismes. Et une grande partie de la campagne se jouera au coeur des États-Unis, dans des zones telles San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Hoover Dam, Wichita, Oak Ridge, et Washington DC.

Peu de détails précis sont fournis pour le moment, mais on voit déjà que cette extension sera très originale et devrait offrir un solide contenu. Les amateurs d’uchronies devraient apprécier.

Plus d’informations sur Panzer Corps 2: Axis Operations – 1946 seront disponibles prochainement.

A lire également sur cette série de DLC nos articles : Panzer Corps 2 – Axis Operations 1945, est-ce vraiment la fin ?, Panzer Corps 2 – Axis Operations 1944 : à l’Est, le D-day n’aura pas lieu, Panzer Corps 2 : Axis Operations 1943, la tempête soviétique prend son vol, Panzer Corps 2 – Axis Operations 1942 : mais où est passé Rommel ?Panzer Corps 2 – Axis Operations 1941 : à l’Est, rien de nouveau ?Panzer Corps 2 – Axis Operations 1940, l’année mauditePanzer Corps 2 : 1939, l’année de toutes les fictionsPanzer Corps 2 – Spanish Civil War : aperçu du monde d’avant (39-45).

Ou aussi sur le jeu en général ces récits de parties, Panzer Corps 2 : le siège de Lille et Panzer Corps 2 : Fall Weiss, compte rendu de partie (1) ainsi que notre test : Panzer Corps 2 : une longue attente pour une belle réussite.


Panzer Corps 2 Axis Operations 1946


The Insider – First Preview and Behind the Scenes of Panzer Corps 2 Axis Operations 1946

Greetings gamers,

We have big insider news to share today for Panzer Corps 2, with exciting previews and a very special introduction to make!

As you can see from the banner, Axis Operations 1946 is being officially unveiled. But this is no average DLC, Axis Operations is going HUGE for its final chapter.

Panzer Corps 2 is getting a HUGE 30 scenario campaign stretching from coast to coast across the United States.

Panzer Corps 2 is getting special, HUGE warship models to enhance the awesome visual spectacle of naval scenarios in 1946.

And for the first time ever, the team behind Axis Operations just might expand with a very special and uniquely talented American Histories Specialist to bring an unmatched level of authenticity to the content as never before!

Huge Campaign

What can you tell us about this upcoming 1946 Campaign?

Content Designer Kerensky: Work on the campaign is nearing its final stages and I can tell you now, this is a very special campaign coming up for Panzer Corps 2. We made the decision to substantially increase the number of scenarios over a traditional Panzer Corps 2 DLC campaign because we really wanted to explore the truly immense continental United States in a way that truly does it justice.

This was doubly important to not just create the most detailed ahistorical campaign across the United States in any Panzer Corps game to date, but given this will be the first ever Panzer Corps 2 campaign to be fully ahistorical in its content, we really wanted to give this new concept a very proper beginning.

What are some of the highlights that players can look forward to seeing in this 1946 campaign?

Content Designer Kerensky: I’ve been in negotiation to potentially work with an American Historical Specialist to infuse real historical facets into the campaign, so hopefully I’ll be able to let her speak for herself in that regard.

But what I can say is there are going to be some very exciting scenarios that visit a ton of very recognizable locations across the United States. We’ll be seeing the likes of San Francisco, Los Angeles, Seattle, Hoover Dam, Wichita, Oak Ridge, and Washington DC each with their own individually dedicated scenarios.

Not only will we be seeing all of these locations, but we’re also working some extra surprises in store for our players. We just might have some unique and even totally original units to showcase before the launch of 1946…

Content Designer Kerensky: I’m sure some eagle eyed readers will note the German emblems on the West Coast, which might raise some eyebrows. I don’t want to spoil too much in this very first preview, but suffice to say not only do we have a huge campaign, it is rather unique. We have researched and custom tailored an Axis invasion scenario of the United States that is wholly original to Panzer Corps 2!

Huge Ships

Speaking of new units, what’s this about ship models?

Content Designer Kerensky: While we have a handful of new ship models coming, the bigger change, and I do mean bigger literally, is that special to 1946, a selection of naval capital ships have had their models supersized. When players see the Super-Battleship Yamato sailing past American destroyers, they are really going to appreciate the size of this absolute behemoth of a warship.

What else can you tell us about this decision?

Content Designer Kerensky: While naval content will only be a part of a few scenarios of the 1946 campaign, we wanted to make this decision to really do justice to the beautifully detailed warship models that have been produced for Panzer Corps 2.

For example in this image, Tirpitz and a captured British Pacific Fleet Battleship docked in Nagasaki harbour look truly impressive and utterly dwarf the nearby Japanese cruisers and destroyers also resting in port.

Trying to squeeze a Battleship in the same amount of a Destroyer just never sat right with me, and it really dampened the thrill of seeing these massive vessels in action during gameplay. By allowing specific large ships to spill out of their hexes, we anticipate naval action will be a much more visually enticing spectacle to behold for players as they progress through 1946.

And, as a potential teaser to what else this super sizing of specific units might allow us to have in store… let’s just say big battleships were absolutely on our list to super size, but there is also the very interesting concept of big cruisers as well. But as most of the campaign takes place across the vast lands of the United States… it might just have to be some kind of… land cruiser.


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