Bonne nouvelle, Slitherine vient d’annoncer quel serait le prochain DLC pour Order of Battle WW II. Après la Finlande cet été, on restera donc au début de la guerre 39-45 avec une extension sur le thème de la Blitzkrieg. Au programme 12 scénarios sur l’attaque des allemands en Pologne, Norvège, Belgique, France, mais encore en Grèce et même en URSS, jusqu’à Moscou. Plusieurs destinations et batailles intéressantes donc, comme on peut brièvement l’apercevoir dans ces premières captures d’écrans.
J’en profite aussi pour vous rajouter ici notre récent sondage au sujet de vos préférences pour les thèmes de futures extensions du jeu.
[poll id=”9″]Pour plus d’informations sur Order of Battle – Blitzkrieg, dont la date de sortie n’est pas encore connue, voyez cette page chez Slitherine.
Et concernant Order of Battle WWII et ses précédentes extensions, voyez cette fiche sur Steam, cette page chez Matrix ainsi que les articles suivants : Order of Battle – Winter War : l’été sera frais, test de OoB – US Marines, test de OoB – Pacific et test de OoB – Morning Sun. Ou encore nos AAR Order of Battle – Pacific : La fourche (1ère partie) / (2nde partie) et Order of Battle – Winter War : un drink pour Mr Molotov (seconde partie, troisième partie).
A lire également cet interview de The Artistocrats et si besoin cette brève concernant la transformation fin juin de Order of Battle : Pacific en un wargame « free to play » désormais intitulé Order of Battle : World War II.
Tons of new content for Order of Battle!
The hit Order of Battle: World War II will be expanded with a new campaign DLC focused on the first blitzkrieg wars of Germany in the Second World War, and a free major update!
Order of Battle: Blitzkrieg
On 1 September 1939, under the pretext of reclaiming the city of Danzig, German armed forces invade Poland. Honoring their diplomatic treaties and driven by the desire to maintain the balance of power in Europe, France and Great Britain swiftly declare war on Germany. This chain of events sets in motion the greatest war the world has ever seen: a Second World War…
Order of Battle: Blitzkrieg brings you to those frantic years which saw Germany successfully incorporating modern aircraft and tank technology in their military doctrine, and then unleashing their newly rebuilt war machine on the rest of Europe. This new DLC aims at representing those years and those brilliant campaigns, from the invasion of Poland to the Fall of 1941 and the Wehrmacht advance being halted only by the cold bite of Russian winter.
It brings several new nations, tons of new units and 12 new scenarios! Pure, unadultered, 100% Blitzkrieg gameplay.
Get more information on the product page.
Important: the game is entering its beta testing phase; we need your help to quash bugs and we want to hear your feedback, so please feel free to apply here. It’d be of great help!
A new major update for Order of Battle: World War II
The Blitzkrieg DLC will be accompanied by a big free update to the base game! What does it add?
Well, along with many balance changes and bugfixes, a brand new Specialization System is being added to the game! Complete major and minor objectives during scenarios and earn Specialization points, then spend them in the Specialization tree and completely customize your army as you see fit.
It’s not all. We’re adding a new Import Tool to carry over your core army between campaigns! Play through Morning Sun, then carry over your troops to Rising Sun! Or maybe play through the entirety of the Blitzkrieg campaign, and then use your battle hardened regiments in future-yet-to-be-announced campaigns ;) I’m probably speaking too much here.
All this juicy stuff – and more – is coming soon, sooner than you expect probably. Stay tuned, Order of Battle has much more up its sleeve. What do you think? Let us know on the forum here!